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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. absolutely, 10 is not enough. considering the fact that couples apartments on RLC are not very active.
  2. even in real life girls do live together in the same apartment. so that's not a problem, plus RLC doesn't ban the male visitors. girls only places can be interesting too. I am just arguing for more choices for us as viewers.
  3. nothing. it's absolutely fine. there is also nothing wrong with mixed apartments.
  4. yes, but I don't think the girls who choose to live in the same sex dorm would be joining RLC.
  5. if you have been to universities' dorms, there are girls and boys living in places with shared spaces (living room & kitchens and etc ), and no one has any problem with that living arrangement. I like to think girls who are joining an adult project are much more open minded and have no problem with a male living in the same apartment.
  6. I know, I meant why do you think " there won't be any girl " joining the project if there is a male in B1 or B2 ? what are the basis for that theory ?
  7. I know you didn't like Lucian or Rama, but the girls were ok with them. if the girls don't like to live in a mixed apartment they can go to the girls only places or not join the project.
  8. they don't have to, but if they choose to live with them, it's to them and it's totally fine.
  9. and some viewers like to see places where boys and girls and couples live together. I remember someone left that comment about what Holly said, but it was not a translation it was rather what that member guessed she said, so we don't really know, and if you had watched their party she did not just touched that man but she kissed him on the lips too lol anyway if a girl doesn't want to do something with another participant it's up to her. no one here is arguing that they need to do things against their will.
  10. What if Holly and Megan or any other girl for the sake of argument, likes to live there with other couples, girls and boys. I don't see why they should not be allowed to do that if that's what they choose. I would agree with you if a girl isn't happy with that arrangement. then RLC should definitely move them to girls only places. but as long as it's their own choice I don't see a problem with that.
  11. whatever I write is my own humble opinion . I am not speaking for everyone. From my point of view, parties that includes both genders are more fun to watch. I am just expressing my own opinion and presenting my argument, I never asked anyone to accept it.
  12. yeah, I am just saying we all have our own preferences and one size doesn't fit all. some subscribers like to watch girls only places, some like couples, and some like party places with a lot of happenings.
  13. Maybe not. but I can safely claim there are many subscribers who like to watch wild parties and boy/girl interactions. so there is no problem if RLC want to keep them happy as well as people who just like to watch girls only places.
  14. Like I said that's my observation. it'd be easier to analyse if we had the numbers. of course when there is nothing going on, the viewers are looking at the prettiest girl or the naked one. what I meant was when there are things simultaneously are happening in different apartments and people have to make a choice, then very often the scenes that involves some guys beats the fake lesbian shows.
  15. and if you want to watch girls only apartments, you can always watch B1 or B2. of course if a girl doesn't want to be in a place where there are men, that's her choice, and RLC must place them in girls only apartments. but if they are happy to live with men, then who are we to tell them that they can't ? and on your last point I don't think you are shy in expressing your opinion, as you have so many times 😉
  16. from my observation, everytime there are guys in any of the apartments, it gets the top viewed cam and then if something happens the top ranking on popular scenes. so I can argue most subscribers ( not only ones who are on CC) like to watch boy/girl interaction and sex rather than just fake lesbian action.
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