Thanks! Can't seem to get enough info on this stuff so looking forward to sticking around!
Edit: Phew, just caught up with the other topic - it's so funny/cool to see you guys echoing thoughts I had whilst watching this feed and that topic is gold, answered many of my questions from "what happened to the cat?!" to "is it me or is that blonde chick being a major annoyance" (Jenna?). I thought Jenna was super attractive but had such an attitude problem it entirely killed that attraction by the end. I mean, I still hope to see her naked, but now it's more of a grudge attraction than actually liking her...
Also on that note - @jabbath1987 naming the girls is super super helpful, please continue! Out of interest I notice Jodie is called Jodie on the archive section, is that your influence/the power of CC?!
Does anyone remember the purple-haired girl from one of Juliet's parties? She had big boobs and seemed aware enough of the cameras to avoid showing anything - I rather liked her, hope she'll be back. Not sure Jabbath's named her yet 🙂