Agree totally, just like Julia. She is going to leave a permanent indentation on the mattress because of the amount of time she spends on it in the same position.
Today was definitely a step in the right direction. There were several times today that Dasha was cuddled up next to Sasha with her leg resting on his junk. Hopefully we see some progression over the next few days, then some alcohol over the weekend may seal the deal.
Surprised there haven't been any massages since V left, that could help as well.
It was fun while it lasted though. The guest was tough to read....she would't let anyone touch her pussy but at times she seemed ready to go further. That coupled with Sam not being able to get it up made it fizzle out. I still think that if Eva had focused on getting Sam hard with a bj or something, it may have been a better outcome.
Sam keeps avoiding anything happening (he's actually cockblocking himself lol). I' think we may have seen as much as we're going to see.
I can't be too hard on them though, it was a great show and could have been awesome. Hopefully they continue these guest sessions.
Not from what I here (never actually took it myself). I heard that it makes you feel sensual and people like to be be massaged and touched, but I thought doesn't make you erect.