Possibly so. However, Nora has always been listed as being able to sing in Russian, Ukranian, and Spanish. She was studying intermediate English at the old apartment. She's not stupid.
I have no substantial verification that they went back to Ukraine, merely reports from vetted sources. I do have verification on her language abilities.
I think that she believes that the girls are acting immature, and I think Nora is extremely unhappy. I do not suggest that any of these women are prostitutes: it is however possible that they are more like Heiniken girls or wannabe Playboy playmates, and Nora is trying to introduce them into a different type of modeling/theatrical work.
Personally, I think the girls are young, and young girls just wanna have fun.
No sé si sabe Ucraniano ya que ella es Rusa, Nora será inteligente, no lo dudo, pero ayer con sus formas de referirse a sus compañeras de apartamento para mi gusto perdió toda su inteligencia y credibilidad...yo realmente no sé a lo que se dedican estas chicas e incluso Nora, pero ayer Nora sugirió muchas cosas a las que se pueden dedicar sus compañeras y yo no sé si es por despecho, por estar enfadada con ellas o si es real, pero no puedes dedicar toda clase de insultos y formas despectivas hacía tus compañeras y mucho menos en un idioma que ellas no pueden entender, eso a mi parecer es de cobarde y ruín.
Yomismo, tumismo, calm the fuck down, you're repeating the same exact things in your every post.
First of all, everybody knows long time that Nora is from Ukraine. She specifically had that conversation in Spanish, because RLC is blocked in Spain and there's not that many Spanish speaking people from other countries that watch RLC. Chances are, if she did it in her room there would probably be more ears than there were in the living room.
Now the following is also a response to gipfler: Nora didn't have any problems with the previous girls because they all cleaned up after themselves. She is not their personal cook or maid. Now Rita actually cleans up, she even mopped the living room floor once. Whereas Jenny is not doing shit. Nora just mistakenly accused Rita, because she didn't know who left the dishes and Rita was right to stand up for herself. Nora didn't say anything about this for three weeks and probably never would have, if not for the "couch fucking". That was like a last drop. The couch is a common area where girls sit in their shorts and sometimes in just underwear as Nora did this morning. How would you feel about your couch, if you knew that someone fucked on it and now you have to sit there? They can masturbate or have sex in their rooms all they want. Nora wouldn't say a thing about it. But the common areas have to be kept clean. All girls should respect that. Jenny didn't.
So yes, she didn't have to use some of the words she said, like whores, etc., but she was absolutely,
100% right at being upset!
RLC is blocked in Spain!?!? There's at least a dozen active members here from Spain.
Ever hear the saying, "Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt?" Words for you to live by.
And didn't Nora and Kiko have sex on the couch? Yup...here:
Looks to me like she has nothing to bitch about.