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Everything posted by franklin

  1. Are you thinking what I'm thinking about later on today? πŸ˜‚
  2. I'd be VERY surprised if Hakeem was a player of the pink oboe. But if the price is right......
  3. Any suggestions as to why Eva keeps avoiding sex with Sam, yet is as affectionate as ever with him?
  4. She was a breath of fresh air - lively, smiling, dancing like no-one was watching, not embarrassed to get naked, and completely eccentric. I'd like to see a lot more of her!
  5. I'm thoroughly enjoying the guessing game that is this apartment, so here's my latest shot - I was completely wrong with my guess at the start, so let's see how this one stands the test of time πŸ˜‰ Both Hakeem and Asia are escorts. Female escorts range from a demure dinner date with conversation, to a full-on weapons-grade whore who wears a mattress on her back in case she meets a friend - Asia is the at the demure dinner date end, of course - which is why she's in the apartment during the day and out in late afternoon / evenings. Hakeem is a 24 hour gigolo - a date for ladies who get what they pay for, all the way from quiet drinks and conversation to hot sex. The "couple" arrangement is "friends with benefits" - they probably knew each other from their work within the escort industry, and they understand and roll with it. By joining RLC, they can still do their work and get a free apartment and allowances. Asia wants sex in the arrangement more than Hakeem does and she's patient enough to wait until he's ready too, at least for now. She's also much more artistically inclined, possibly a student, and like a lot of others may be trying to pay her way through her studies (Music and Arts????) Now before anyone jumps down my throat - this is my GUESS not a statement of facts. Anyone else want to put forward their best shot?
  6. When his date asked if all of the cameras had been turned off he said yes, but he was lying, of course. It's illegal to film anyone in a private situation without their permission, so technically Hakeem broke the law by having sex with her, while she believed no cameras were recording. However, I'm now inclined to believe that this is more like a soap opera in which the participants are given scenarios to role play and they are left to get on with it. Permission to be recorded will have been given before anything happens. See the link 18 USC 2257 at the bottom of every RLC page. If, as Alladino suggests, it was a real-life situation and his date was a private and innocent individual with no knowledge of what RLC is all about, Hakeem could be in big trouble.
  7. A mystery that may be solved in time... Maybe he doesn't want to bring work home with him πŸ˜‚
  8. As a native born Brit, I can say for sure that all the girls - Asia, camo girl, and the escort date - speak with East European accents.
  9. It's almost certain that she knows that he's an escort. Whether or not she knows about him bringing girls back to apartment is still open to question.
  10. OK friends, this gets even more complicated! I listened back on Replay with enhanced audio. The girl was definitely lied to about the cameras being switched off to begin with, She later asked again "They are switched off?" then joked "Unless you want all the people to see". In the bathroom later she asked "Why do you have these things all over the place - it's weird. Are you making movies or something?" It turns out that she had good reason to be concerned about being on camera... When she said "Let me see you - the more you pay the more you get to come" to Hakeem as they began sex, she was not speaking as an escort. Let me explain... When they had finished fucking she said "Can I tell you a secret?". She said " I'd been thinking about it all night. I didn't have to pee-pee. I had to find a way to take you. I went to the bathroom when we got here but I didn't need to pee". The audio is then indistinct but Hakeem does say "Fool me once, that's my fault, but fool me twice..." More indistinct words, then she said "And I'm going to get you again tomorrow". Finally, as they left, he asked her "Are you going to pay me my price, in your car?" She laughed and said "I'm going to". Hakeem then told her not to pull that shit again about wanting to pee-pee. She explained that she had half-lied about needing a piss but she said "It's fine to do something like that to get you". Hakeem was not pleased. So, if my interpretation is correct based on what I heard, it turns out that Hakeem was the escort, the girl was his date, she was paying for his company, and she had lied about needing a pee to get Hakeem to take her back to his apartment so she could have sex with him. Hell's tits - can this get any better? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  11. Hakeem has forgotten that he hid all of Asia's stuff in the hallway and LR cupboards, and so he hasn't put it all back where it was. If Asia is on the ball, she'll surely want to know why. Can't wait to hear his excuse if it happens.
  12. Good point! Hakeem lied to the girl and as she's appeared on camera performing sex, she'll have to sign the 18 USC 2257 waiver that all porn sites must provide. Unless of course, as many people suggest about RLC in general, this is all a prearranged setup. The plot thickens! On another note, I wonder if he and Asia will do the deed later - he hasn't had sex with her for a few days now. Just to keep her happy...
  13. Easy - just use a VPN that spoofs the ISP address so it appears that the connection is from England for example.
  14. Another member tested access to RLC in Czech Republic a couple of days ago - RLC is not available there.
  15. The devious bastard! I've just looked back on Replay and before he allowed the girl into the apartment he hid all traces that might suggest that there's another girl living there too. She also asked "did you turn off the camera" and he said yes. She then said "The more you pay me the more you get to come". Sounds like an escort to me...
  16. It must be costing him a sizeable amount each time. Unless he's an escort himself and it's a freebie from a friend. 😁
  17. So, just a quickie, then. If she's been wearing perfume, it'll linger for a while. I wonder if Asia will spot it - if she comes home tonight.
  18. But she's filled it quite nicely - plump curvy body, nice boobs, and a pleasantly trimmed bush, unlike the shaven havens that seem to be fashionable for the RLC girls. Weird behaviour though! 😁
  19. Just putting this out there - could this be an RLC setup to have Asia walk in on them? It's about now she usually returns home.
  20. New one, and a lot quieter. Probably another Czech escort.
  21. Another apartment-sitter this evening - the rather eccentric girl who stayed overnight with Jane a couple of days ago. She's had a bit of a problem getting the sound system linked to her phone but now it's working she's grooving along πŸ˜„
  22. Even more so, now that she's practicing her singing. Her intonation is terrible. πŸ™€
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