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Everything posted by franklin

  1. You're getting really upset over this. Calm down. It's no big deal. Just watch and enjoy. Here - I agree with every word you've said. Happy now?
  2. She was explaining to Hakeem what she regarded as the deal she had. Using "you" instead of "I" is simply one of the quirks of English language usage. And I'm not claiming anything - I still have the enhanced audio track and what I wrote is exactly word-for-word what she said.
  3. The two girls are very attractive. Perhaps some action later?
  4. Watching Jewel bathe is one of life's pleasures - very relaxing.
  5. If she's paying for his time like the last date I think she's got every right to get more than one shag! Like she said last time " The more you pay the more you get to come"
  6. Just checked - it is the same woman. She's paid for second round or it's a freebie
  7. She came to the door after ringing the apartment's entry phone.
  8. I don't think this one's his date from before. Hooker, possibly
  9. It comes from years and years of dedicated drinking. 😂
  10. And it's kick off. Liverpool 1, Hakeem yet to score.
  11. He's being especially meticulous in his planning - must be something special tonight.
  12. Well, he's on schedule, arriving home at 20.40 and he's already hidden Asia's stuff in the hallway and the bathroom. I don't think football will be a priority tonight. EDIT: 21:11 - he's spraying his cologne around the LR and he's hiding Asia's stuff in the bedroom.
  13. Another short girl visiting the apartment - new to me, once again, so can any longer-term members let me know any history?
  14. No idea, really, but this is the schedule he described to ebony girl. He could have been lying, of course - he's good at that....
  15. Quick calculation... Hakeem left the apartment at 07,45 presumably for an 08,00 work start. He said he works a 12 hour shift on a Saturday, so he should be home around 20.30. If Asia is working this evening, she normally returns from work around 00.30 to 01.00. So, Hakeem has a window of around 4 hours this evening in which to indulge in needlework or folk-dancing without Asia finding out.
  16. Maybe he still has friction burns from his last adventure and needs time for them to heal. 😜
  17. So, tonight's guest star is..... Jewel again - with a skateboard.
  18. Jane's preparing a lot of food - she's either stocking the freezer or she's expecting someone / two / three...
  19. I context, she had said she was returning to the USA soon. Hakeem had earlier been trying to convince her that she could earn much more money as a teacher in Prague,, so he was asking if she would consider moving back to Prague to live and work in the city permanently, not move in with him.
  20. The bubble of cock-blocking has to burst eventually. Let's hope it happens before Sam's testicles burst first.
  21. RLC have tagged the apartment saying that only Dick is "on vacation" until Monday. So, assuming Jane stays home, any guesses about who might keep her company? V and TK2 have a habit of showing up at times like this. I hope we don't have to witness TK2 and his bony ass make yet another attempt to get inside Jane's pants.
  22. 2) Jane & Dick - at least 4 others involved in their relationship and highly unpredictable. 3) Eva & Sam - also at least 4 others involved, highly unpredictable, and it's like watching a car crash in very slow motion.
  23. I have to agree - I feel really sorry for A as she seems to have has fallen for H in a big way. Her naiviety does not help and H exploits this - he shows her just enough affection and gives her just enough sex to keep her hanging on for more. IMHO, there isn't a hope in hell of them ever developing a genuine loving relationship simply because they are almost exact opposites in terms of personaility and experience. For those who follow this apartment, it's compelling viewing - will he / won't he?, will she / won't she? And that's why it's my number one in my top three. Regrettably, when she inevitably discovers his sideline activities, she will be hurt beyond belief. I won't enjoy watching it happen but as I can do nothing about it, I'll roll with it.
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