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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Got caught peeking around the wall! Neighbor she stole from asking her questions. No audio out there, but probably bullshitting the neighbor. Pretty obvious they know someone was in their apartment. Won't take long for them to figure it out for real unless they're morons. Either way, I wonder if GS will risk going over there again?
  2. Unless the people next door are on vacation, there's no way they haven't noticed that there's stuff missing... although, food would be the last thing I would notice disappearing of expect to be stolen.
  3. Just waiting for the day when the cops show up and haul her off for B&E and theft of the apartment next door!
  4. Girl's completely off her nut. If Zac is truly related to her, he needs to pull his head out his arse and realize that she needs professional help. Living there is only going to cause serious problems. Throwing shit off a 60' terrace, especially full water bottles and glass could seriously injure or kill someone, both resulting in an arrest. Spitting or a water balloon is a juvenile enough prank, but what she's doing is completely asinine. She acts like a kid, but has tons of ink and bolt-ons as big as her head. That's another thing... if she's homeless and destitute, who paid for the massive rack?? That shit ain't cheap.
  5. Ok... so she was throwing shit off the terrace?? (I missed it) Huh... was it RIGHT before Zac got home? Was she possibly aiming for him as a stupid joke?
  6. Kinda tracks... girl gets knocked up (NOT assuming Zac), mommy & daddy say fuck all and kick her out. Maybe that's the trouble she's in a why she eats so much. Just a theory.
  7. Seriously, she's clinical. There's is no simple reason she's eating like this. Awww... maybe she's eating for TWO?!? 🤨
  8. I got it!!! GS must have a tapeworm!! It explains... well.. the eating at least! 🤣
  9. Luna appears to have the patience of Job, but everyone has their last nerve... GS is tap dancing on a minefield.
  10. Well, GS just went and asked Luna something (don't know Spanish), and Luna did NOT throw her glass at the girl... 🤔
  11. Oh shit! GS found the freezer!!! That was the secret stash!! 🤣 Oh, guess not... second fridge? I'm from the US, so freezer is usually down there, but she pulled grapes out and they don't appear to be frozen.
  12. Is it the consensus that's FACT? Not that I REALLY give a shit, but it would answer a few questions.
  13. Obviously not, but I haven't had any in years. I remember though. Ugh. Miss the arrabita something FIERCE!
  14. She acts like a puppy left home alone sniffing out food wherever it can find it. SO FUCKING WEIRD!
  15. Did she clear that pasta already??? Holy shit balls... girl must have the metabolism of an Olympic runner, otherwise she's be 400# at this rate.
  16. She was probably in the crapper. No cameras (thank god). She's in the bedroom now.
  17. Sure, but GS probably has 20# on her and the tats give me the impression she knows how to throw down... although I could be wrong.
  18. It was a joke Daleys. I don't know if Luna actually saw that, but I suppose it is possible, and it is a small apartment. I'm sure not much can go on there that's "covert". Besides, I'm sure she noticed all of what was missing.
  19. One of many assumptions. No FACTS yet that I can gather, but I think that's the reigning guess.
  20. I'm actually jealous! I'm a diabetic Italian who can't eat pasta anymore, and I REALLY miss it. 😜
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