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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Well at least I got the makeout before they went into hiding this time. Still want the encounter in December.
  2. Luna doesn't appear pissed at all. But, to clarify... pissed drunk or pissed off?
  3. Looks like Megan and Ariana are just about done for the night. If so, probably no group tub action.
  4. I noticed Nelly covered up when Zac and Curly showed up, but Alex apparently gives zero fucks.
  5. I don't anticipate anything happening with Martina tonight. She would only go after Nelly and they would need their privacy... which is unlikely with so many in the house.
  6. Yeah, I don't anticipate any more tits coming out (except maybe Gina is she's completely hosed... as ususal) until Bogdan goes away.
  7. There was no offense against me... just didn't want to start a big thing about posted language.
  8. Ok, to be clear, I really give zero fucks who speaks what native language. You speak what you speak. Those that make an effort to post in English are appreciated, but I wasn't saying that those that don't are assholes. Is what it is. I was only saying that I wish I had the time to translate it all.
  9. Well, I think that as long as Bogdan is involved, we won't see Martina getting crazy. Just my belief.
  10. I'd like to see them all taking turns on Megan's bed with a nude 12-hands massage!
  11. Looks like Zac talked her into rummaging around in the bedroom all ready to go and not going anywhere.
  12. Could they be more indecisive? They'll never get anywhere at this rate.
  13. The Luna group may all be going out, but without a costume, I highly doubt it's to B4.
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