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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. He probably would spend the time to prepare for the party if he was planning to just drop her off like before. Looks like he'll be staying... but for how long?
  2. Aside from cropping it, so some of the watermarked dots are removed, like cutting part of a UPC code off... it may render it impossible to identify.
  3. I think it's pretty apparent that the focus will be on Martina. If Alberto does also go to the party, I wouldn't expect much of anything happening with her, however if he doesn't go or leaves early, all eyes will be on her to see if we get another mind blowing event. With her in play now, I know I couldn't care less what the rest of them do. I would like to see Martina go after Holly though. My head would explode watching those two! 😵
  4. It is equally risky to share in the premium area? Beyond that, what about PM and sending to a private email? Either way, be clear I'm not "begging". I have a sub and watched the whole thing as it happened. I have almost 100 stills. I'm fully willing to trade for it.
  5. So, another event happened on the 25th?? The major event with Nelly I'm referring to happened on the 21st.
  6. Regardless, I only have the basic sub, so I can't see it. If whomever is waiting till that times out, then I can wait longer, but for the love of Martina, please share eventually.
  7. I've been out over Christmas and my coms were down due to the Nashville bombing... has ANYONE gotten a hold of the Martina and Nelly video??? What's a guy gotta do to get it? PLEASE PM me if you are willing to share.
  8. I've been out over Christmas and my coms were down due to the Nashville bombing... has ANYONE gotten a hold of the Martina and Nelly video??? What's a guy gotta do to get it? PLEASE PM me if you are willing to share.
  9. I've been out over Christmas and my coms were down due to the Nashville bombing... has ANYONE gotten a hold of the Martina and Nelly video??? What's a guy gotta do to get it? PLEASE PM me if you are willing to share.
  10. Really need the video of Martina and Nelly. Anyone have it??? I'm willing to trade or whatever. I've got a sub, but only got stills. Anyone wanna help a brother out??? PM me if you want.
  11. I'm saying there's a difference between just simply "setting up the situation" and the way they act together. They were totally genuine. It looked NOTHING like 99% of all the other porn on the internet. I don't doubt they set up the interaction.
  12. Sounds ambiguous to me. Could very well mean PRIOR to Alberto rather than while she's been with him. I do wish I knew Spanish to hear and understand what she says directly. Like I said earlier, I've been watching her for a LONG time and I've seen no evidence that she's ever cheated on him. It's impossible to know though. Hell, I wasn't even aware she smoked until I got access to all the cameras recently. I still hope that she's faithful and doesn't play around with other guys, but real life could just kick that in the balls. Who knows for sure.
  13. Ευχαριστώ φίλε. I don't speak Greek... Google translate 🤣 Hope it's accurate!
  14. With all the pandering and speculation flying around... my 2 cents worth... I've been watching Martina and Alberto for a LONG time, and it appears to me that she enjoys sex with him well enough. I feel they love each other a lot and I can't see Martina cheating on him with any other guy. That said, she apparently has a history with women and has probably been repressing those feelings for a long time. She was given opportunity with the B4 girls, but I think she wanted to be cautious and very selective with which girl she decided to "open" back up to. As I said before, I'm not a big fan of Nelly, but she could have easily picked a worse partner. Regardless, the interaction was explosive and genuine. I think it was probably years of repression finally getting released. As for her possibly leaving Alberto in the future for a girl, Nelly or anyone else, I don't believe that would happen. She seems perfectly happy at home with him, but simply had to let her lesbian side free before she went crazy. She may or may not sample other girls, but from what I saw, those two were so unbelievably intimate with each other, that I think she'll stick with Nelly as long as it remains a once in a while interaction. Nelly will be her release. Question is... how often? Now that the dam exploded, how long will it take for her desires to fuel back up? I will say this... what happens, happens. All the crap on here isn't going to change a damn thing, but after all this time I would still be completely disappointed if Martina would ever cheat on Alberto with ANY other guy. If that happened, I would be DONE with RLC. She's the only reason I stay with RLC. Kitty and Holly are hot, but they're trampy. Martina is so much better and the only one like her. Cheating on Alberto would destroy that and kill the whole damn thing for me. Aside from all that... I've got nearly a hundred screen shots of the event last night... who the hell has the video???
  15. I think they're done for now. They HAVE to be exhausted after that!! Not to say they might not fire it up in the morning before she goes home again.
  16. I'd like ONE idiot to try and convince me this wasn't as real as it gets. That's what made it so HOT. This wasn't scripted porn, it was two girls finally giving in to this with ALL they had. They've got to be exhausted!!
  17. Looks like they finally wore each other out! What, only 2 hours??? 🤣 Props for stamina!! Seriously, I give ZERO fucks if the whole long video is 20GB, I want it.
  18. This is hotter than 99% of professional porn... but I will be pissed if he cheats with another guy. NOT AN OPTION.
  19. Yeah, well Nelly's plugged and had a bath, so the outside is as clean as anything else as long as the plug stays in.
  20. My mind just exploded. Martina is SOO fucking hot. Only way this would have been better is if it were Holly instead of Nelly and no period.
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