So Messa is the last one in Voro, therefore he has to switch off the light there. Latest saturday. And sunday is to be arrival day of the new generation...
And before and after bed action placing a tampon... weird or ??
But now she has an imagination what sex she can expect of Ivo. He presented Anna with her climax with a smile...
With all your blurry crying caused by the new player, VV has switched back to the old one only.
The blurry or low quality is caused by light issues not by player issues.
The "advantage" of your crying is now the lost possibilty of sound control. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Your pic is obviously made with low daylight in colour just before switching to B/W or night vision.
here I have old and new player shot with 1 minute difference:
Maybe it is the alcohol or maybe it is only the first time with each girl? Do you remember, the first time with nastya and with Christy...
So we urgently do need new girl for him? :welcome:
And not yesterday and no fucking. Either she has got her period and is useless for him or she is out anyway.
I think her days in Tver are counted....
and half an hour later, the situation has changed, looks like 3 days ago.....
He is really enjoying her attempts to convince him for sex. He plays and enjoys that she is becoming almost upset and - even more horny
about 2 hours later: Messa is relieved, she got her period and rushed with a tampon to the shower.
So the next days are for Messa`s revovery and for us full of sex. The more are other people needed, normally sunday is travel day....
It quickier than I had expected: already 2nd night the normal day has come.
She had to go alone to bed as he prefers to spend the night in the LR.
But she is guilty, she didn´t take his hand and showed the way....
Hey guys,
Kilroy will be watching us...
I found this message in VV twitter:
VoyeurVilla @voyeur_villa 12. Nov.
@camcapsnet our director can't get an account in your system. could you plz assist? in PM or [email protected]. TY
Christy was singing almost the whole afternoon while she was alone. Now is contrast program and she is enjoying the closeness to Messie she could not have when Nastya was here.
But you will get excitement in this apt maybe earlier then you like. VV guarantees for this....