thanks for thint with cookies. it helped for Chrome.
That is the new cam in Tver, good angle and height. You find the button below shower cam, but only one mm is accessible currently.
Total confusing situation for me. Under IE Tver is working -all cams, but preview pics at the cam buttons are showing offline. For Voro it is just opposite. Under Chrome and Mozilla nothing is working.
Please leave me out, I am in direct contact with VV since many months almost from the beginning in may. Sometimes they are following me, sometimes not. The last information I got, was that they will have new good people after the Russian Christmas (jan 7). This I had communicated here.
not only cuddling. It looks for round 2...
And our 2 specialists N&A are waiting each for the first step of the other and could not fall asleep yet....
Well it is 3:30, I have lost but Akira has crossed my projections with his ejaculation. Hmmm
Russia is in a kind of fever in this time before New Year and Christmas. I am afraid there will no new candidates the next 10 days.
Situation will hardly improve before their Christmas on jan 7.
It is not the first that she expressing her opininion about us, ranging from middle finger to the tongue.
There is an old proverb, she obviously doesn´t know:
You should never saw on the branch you are sitting on....
She is absolutely unhappy with her situation here in VV, but also in vids she is never fully engaged. It is just looking with a half smile to the bad game. Probably she doesn´t know what to do else to be able to survive.
Forget it, this girl Nikky alias Nata.... is suffering under the same illness like Julia during her last days. Only to be shy and under cover. Just ridiculous.
It´s a shame what is going on.
Can you pls do me a favor just for Christmas?
Some or most of you are misusing the name Nataly. Nataly is the official name of the new girl.
Our former Natasha alias Natalia alias Natalie twitter is officially named Nikky.
They just have moved to the former room of Julia&Gavin.
Please get it..... and stop confusing every newcomer in this thread. THANKS !
Calm down, there is only one mistake: Natasha and Akira have changed the room this morning after the leaving of J&G. And id not inform VV, that´s all.
So, Natasha alias Natalia has now got the official name Nikky and is currently absent.
That´s my point of view.