100% agreement. And Phil he has to learn how to make a girl aroused. How he did tonight with this music and kind of massage it is not working.
Just now Ivo gave a stimulating massage to Yasia. They are "friends" and Ivo should help him.
hey, please come out of your box. This is not a love story here, they are here to perform.
Patience with Phil is now already 3 (?) weeks, Anna had a great start last weekend, but is now stepping backwards to zero. Wonderful performance!
But I said: disappointed, not disatisfied, not angry. There are like and dislikes in the life. So easy also for the box :welcome:
Such men/boys she not used to. Only slow massage on he upper backside, soft slow music.... Just good for falling asleep. And for this circumstances she is still awake, astonishing.
Very easy for me: until next weekend Yasia will be gone. She is absolutely not the girl/woman for Tver. And she knows. Just now serious discussion with Ivo in the bathroom.
How do you know that she has an apt in same building? Yes, she is leaving quite often for 5-10 minutes just with a coat, but I guess to smoke a cigarette at the corridor window.
Not will happen, it has happened already. But then obviously Dizi is even more dumb knowing already the example of Tanya. Poor girls, thinking to be clever enough to undergo the swinger club of Petra.
Anna has already eyes for Ivo´s bare ass, if things will go on, I am afraid Phil to comit suicide... Dizi deep in discussion with the new girl. Some decent warnings?
Who had asked for a girl´s house?
V seems to be gone, Phil is laying down on his backside waiting for what will happen (or in Tver) and Tanya will make all busy.
As result, there will be not any session tonight.
They are talking, but Dizi had strongly locked the door while in the shower, but no rubbing there....
3rd pic
they had tried, but...still talking
During all the evening, Dizi is leaving for some minutes, bringing a chair, something to eat and drink, some cloth from the wardrobe. Homeless Tanya living on the corridor?