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Everything posted by spielo

  1. I have a good feeling about this promised reload. Lilu had 3 weeks time to organize her "next life" after their big team meeting on july 23. VV was owing something to Lilu for the Bday party. Same time had VV to find back to the roots. Hopefully. One couple we know already and the other seems to come from so far that a test was not practicable. BTW Lilu was flying in from 5.000 km abroad and her test lasted several months. Hope that our known couple will stay in "their" room, because of better cam positions. On sat or sun we should know much more, which would be good for the Russian "soon" ;)
  2. VoyeurVilla @voyeur_villa We are reloading the project. Soon there are going to be a new birdies! Can anybody judge what means soon in Russia? We can expect for sure the 3rd empty night what should result in 3 additional days. Only the word "reloading" is giving some hope for real improvement. Have a good sleep tonight!
  3. You forgot nice sentence about Milka here, as she is just giving you for farewell nice camel toe. First and last one..... :(
  4. gf=Olga. On the last weeks she needed several days to become hot. But then... ;) But 2 couples. Yes, agreed. Let´s see, if VV will recognize our hope...
  5. This night was outstanding. In memoriam:
  6. quite similar pix:
  7. 100 % agreed. Thanks for the bye-bye waving.
  8. Good luck Lilu! And now? Free for the couple?
  9. The big suitcase seems to be new and looks like preparation for removal of Lilu?
  10. Obviously they all had 2 days off: @spielo1 @voyeur_villa Where is the nice couple from the weekend? And where is Milka? VoyeurVilla @voyeur_villa 11. Aug. @spielo1 She's having her personal stuff. Soon she ll be back To the question about the couple no answer.
  11. I agree bean hope Milka is having some serious fun, it may be good for us she may find someone. As for Lilu she has decide to be an adult and enjoy herself and her life. She knows walking around naked all day is not real as we know that. We as viewers have to decide why we are viewing, for sex, for entertainment, or just for the thrill to view into someone else's life. Zman, finally, we are understanding us. To view the LIFE I can agree totally, but not to theatre and to life with some exclusions. Theatre is provided by the VV steering comittee and exclusions from life are decisions from Lilu and Milka. If they want to exclude their sex life from the villa, then they are wrong in such a project and need to leave. The sooner the better. Sorry still don't understand you. This is the girls life, if they chose not to share their sex life their choice. Milka not sure she has a sex life but it is what you are currently watching.To many here are acting like victims. In life if a company misrepresents its self you the consumer have the right not to do business with them. It seems many are not happy with site, don't do business with them anymore. Don't give them your money, don't watch it is simply. In real life it is not only my right to stop business with non-performing company, but even more to claim what I have paid for. Have a look to the guidelines and promises on the homepage! As they collect money in advance there is the only possibility to claim for the non-performed content afterwards. What i will do in the future is another thing. The girls are part of the "business" and for sure they have accepted contracts not being in conflict with the site´s official guidelines. It is a business, not a welfare. Sorry, this may sound hard, but it is simply fact. It getting ridiculous. You knew the status of the page and you decided to continue your subscription. Maybe you've just made a mistake. Accept it, and leave the page. That's all very simple. You have paid only $ 30. And due to the FAQ, the payment is for the cameras in the house. The cameras operate. … Done. … Simple. … Very simple. It is obvious, that the manament should do a much better job. But I do not think that there are happy about the current status. Maybe, they are just unable to do it better. And considering the decreasing viewer count, i suspect they will close the page soon. Not every business is successful. Very simple, too. There is only one thing which annoys me. This constant nagging about the residents. I think, It is important to understand that you do not own the people in the villa! And no matter what you think about the page, you should show respect to the the residents. Box thinking is simple. Very simple and makes your life easy! On the end, it will be good if the apt remains empty, then a decision is needed. To shut down this site or... to do something essential. I do have respect to others, but if somebody answers to me with "Fuck" then my respect for this person is decreasing. But annoying is also the thinking to be able to protect these girls from the bad world. They are more closer to the prostitution scenery in Moscow than to elementary school.
  12. Last reaction from tech support I got Sunday night.. But no reaction from help@ since about 2 weeks, no reaction on my re-twitter yesterday. Apt is empty since yesterday noontime? My subscription is running another 19 days, so I cannot cancel now.
  13. I agree bean hope Milka is having some serious fun, it may be good for us she may find someone. As for Lilu she has decide to be an adult and enjoy herself and her life. She knows walking around naked all day is not real as we know that. We as viewers have to decide why we are viewing, for sex, for entertainment, or just for the thrill to view into someone else's life. Zman, finally, we are understanding us. To view the LIFE I can agree totally, but not to theatre and to life with some exclusions. Theatre is provided by the VV steering comittee and exclusions from life are decisions from Lilu and Milka. If they want to exclude their sex life from the villa, then they are wrong in such a project and need to leave. The sooner the better. Sorry still don't understand you. This is the girls life, if they chose not to share their sex life their choice. Milka not sure she has a sex life but it is what you are currently watching.To many here are acting like victims. In life if a company misrepresents its self you the consumer have the right not to do business with them. It seems many are not happy with site, don't do business with them anymore. Don't give them your money, don't watch it is simply. In real life it is not only my right to stop business with non-performing company, but even more to claim what I have paid for. Have a look to the guidelines and promises on the homepage! As they collect money in advance there is the only possibility to claim for the non-performed content afterwards. What i will do in the future is another thing. The girls are part of the "business" and for sure they have accepted contracts not being in conflict with the site´s official guidelines. It is a business, not a welfare. Sorry, this may sound hard, but it is simply fact.
  14. I agree bean hope Milka is having some serious fun, it may be good for us she may find someone. As for Lilu she has decide to be an adult and enjoy herself and her life. She knows walking around naked all day is not real as we know that. We as viewers have to decide why we are viewing, for sex, for entertainment, or just for the thrill to view into someone else's life. Zman, finally, we are understanding us. To view the LIFE I can agree totally, but not to theatre and to life with some exclusions. Theatre is provided by the VV steering comittee and exclusions from life are decisions from Lilu and Milka. If they want to exclude their sex life from the villa, then they are wrong in such a project and need to leave. The sooner the better.
  15. Watching the "couple" yesterday, more and more got clear that it is a fake. There was not any sign of affection, no kiss, no hug. However, the girl lokks like she wants to continue. The sex she liked for sure. They were paid to have sex, like actors are paid in theatre for their performance and should keep the viewers or attract new ones. Another scripted theatre but the regisseur is an amateur. For an empty villa there will be not so many friends, I guess. You might be alone with this attitude, because everybody should get what he is paying for. The girls/the residents have benefits, money or whatsoever, and should deliver. For my salary I have to work, very simple. Lilu is now away the 4th day in a row, obviously she has not yet found a BF with enough money to live with him. And Milka, hmmm what´s to say? It´s high time? Because if she would leave then VV will be under pressure to do something seriously. And where are the new apartments VV was speaking about in the beginning?
  16. What has happened? I was out and now all are gone? The bag is no more in the entrance hall....
  17. Lesson No.1 by Millka to the newcomers: Watch a movie in the night and sleep during the boring day.
  18. This illness is normal for her since about 8 weeks, to to go very late or early to sleep and raise in the afternoon. SInce some days she is coughing, therefore some medication. But maybe she doesn´t want to disturb the young couple..... ;)
  19. The dress code for Milka is same - day & night. You should know. I know just hoping new couples habits will start to rub off on her. Milka is pretty to look at but I want her to have a life like her new friends. Not just a cam girl doing nothing. She reads the post we find that boring. Milka when you read this go hangout with your friends, or go meet some new friends. Heck go to a park and get some sun. Enjoy life girl. Milka, you must do something. You cannot do this job till of your life. Lilu is preparing her way and you cannot wait simply to join her. It will be not your way. But YOU must go on and become active.
  20. The dress code for Milka is same - day & night. You should know.
  21. Maybe not so nice for all, but here my thoughts: This girl or couple can be a new start for the villa, back to the roots. Finally, after two months boring time with the two girls the new girl can bring new life to the villa being worth to watch. Lilu is on the jump to leave, just using the villa as residence. Such a flat is in Moscow very expensive, especially when you are from far away anywhere in deep Russia. Milka´s time has also come, because just to be present, sleeping 12 hours in average and for the rest of day looking to the mobile. She did a good job, but that´s it. Both girls without boys, without any sex in this age is not voyeur villa like. So, when in one or two weeks the two girls have left, there will be space for a second couple, just like with the start of the villa 3 months ago. And then we can expect the longtime ago announced additional apartments, hopefully.
  22. Interesting, the new girl is keeping her travel bag in the entrance hall. Doesn´t look for a longer stay....
  23. You see, our hope did work. New couple with some luggage. Promising!
  24. Only the hope carries us forward!
  25. She really likes you, therefore closed the curtain. Just for you! The curtain must go. Definitely!
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