Just some thoughts...
If Demid is no more interested to play his role, then he should simply leave the project.
I cannot imagine that RLC will tolerate his behaviour for another month.
It is a pity that we will loose Dasha, but in fact we have lost her already. Haven´t we?
This guy is disgusting.
She is caressing him for half an hour, he is watching his mobile, both disappear in the toilet room, after seconds rushing to the bathroom, panties down, less than 90 sec in out, dressing up and leaving the apt.
With big WOW they were announced. Another casting problem obviously.
He is a dumbass, right, but it is not first time that she was not interested at all or tired. his way of carressing is like a craftsman or blacksmith, maybe he feels like an professional porn actor. This couple has no future for me.
Later in the bedroom he was trying to start some action with kitty massage, but now she was not interested and let´s say too tired. They went up and now she is spending half an hour on toilet. Alone. ????
Curios, all three from yesterday night have left the apt at 06:42.
There would be the only excuse for this boring weekend, if they are going to pick up an additional couple or 2 girls from Kirgisia at the airport. The guy looks for me like driver....
Hope for some positive surprise about noon time...
The exact moment of their leaving I could not shoot, because the cam was freezing in this moment - as it is happening many times during the last couple of days. Do you have same experience or is it my PC?
later added:
plane from Bishkek has landed in time 07:34. question is, are they in? If yes, we will have soon twitter announcement.
12:30 obviously something went wrong. Either they missed the plane or my informations/assumptions are wrong
No doubt about the engine Roma and his charming way to handle the girls.
But I really would like to ask you to express your opinion also via twitter to the yesterday´s question:
VoyeurVilla @voyeur_villa
What do you think about last night?
Thanks for correcting my counting but you see, how much I am confused.
The 2 girls have left already, while twitter was asking: can you guess what guests showing? I answered the girls showed nothing and have disappeared.
BTW: can we agree to continue in this thread, because the arrival of the new couple is history??
Poor Tanya is getting no sex since two days, only dry humps from her BF. So she called for support and a guest came yesterday und today another one. I this the little brother of Mark? The other guy was called Roma in Twitter.
Karen´s second name seems to be Pretender.
He is pretending to be interested in tanya, grabbing her ass hourly, between a pressed kiss but nothing more.
Give them 4 weeks, but they will stay 6 months because VV will not find successor. ;)
I had expected seven wet years after the seven dry ones....
He is using this girl to have free life. I see him in one row with Ruslan, Denim and others....