It is quiet tonight. 🤫
Eva reads her book by Simone de Beauvoir "The Second Sex", she takes a lot of notes,
I think, she compares her life to the theses of Simone de Beauvoir, she tries to change sam, a traditional young russian man
that also explains the masturbation in LR yesterday (Thesis from the book)
the young Eva emancipates herself, that's the problem with Sam
that is a difficult way for Eva...but, everyone must go his way
After this hot evening again a fundamental discussion
Eva has read a lot in the last few days, she is now a relationship specialist, she now tries to scientifically analyze her relationship, she teaches Sam on the blackboard and with a paper
Sam listens, understands, but his face says something else, Sam can not change, Eva should not be so radical with Sam ☝️
Our docu-soap continues!
The title: the never ending story of a couple that is leaving
Currently: Eve has shown the white flag, another chapter will follow......
1430 Eva is sitting in the far corner of the bedroom, as a substitute for ...?... a black toy on the bed,
she smokes a lot on balcony and she looks very thoughtful, that's not good
I think the worries are affecting your health, she has problems with her stomach
no phone this night !!!!!!!
eva takes a long sip from the red wine bottle
and gives Sam her ass, she does something for the audience rate
I think Sam is fixated on asses
hi Eva, hi Sam
It's weekend! no work, no phone, no worries, not thinking about tomorrow, be happy, laugh, have fun, enjoy your life together
that is easy 'where there is a will, there is a way' 👩❤️💋👨👍👍
In the last days, it's always about the same topic, your relationship and how it goes on
for the moment it's a deal between the two, but not really satisfying, for no one
we should be prepared for this apartment being changed
Eve or Sam will not agree with the condition of your relationship. One of them will lose the patience
The apartment will get new residents
that's not nice ☹️