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  1. First I thought he should be Hector's brother because he looks like him. It was strange because he was really close to her, he even touch her thigh. But now I leaned he is her brother, this even more strange! Je pensais que c'était le frère d'Hector à la base parce que je trouve qu'ils se ressemblent. J'étais déjà un peu surpris de voir sa proximité avec elle, allant jusqu'à lui toucher le haut de la cuisse. Mais maintenant qu'on sait qu'il est son frère à elle, c'est encore plus étrange !
  2. She left with the cat. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  3. Change of tenants often appears at the beginning of the month... But me neither I don't think that's the case.
  4. Because you can find your answer with a research in this very forum. So Nora and Kiko are in Barcelona, I don't know for others Spanish couples. And as far I remember what I have read, the best assumption for Russians was that they lives in Krasnoïarsk. EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see your post was in Ariel section. So I don't know. By the way 16 views is not enough to get someone who knows the answer.
  5. So the girl is Kiko's sister and the lady his mom? And the boy?
  6. The guy just looked at "us" (I mean in direction of the cam) and made us a finger.
  7. Could happens soon, it looks they will sleep on the couch in the living room...
  8. Hum, my imagination is running wild!
  9. It's not what I meant. My question was: could they know if the user make a caption (storing?) (for example a screenshoot or a video recording)? Can they log the action of the user?
  10. So today with the dishes was the cleaning day of the week month season.
  11. Dog's life is not that bad! (Attachment Purged)
  12. By "waiter" jade means "server" ;) Could someone confirm that they can log IP from users making captions from the cam? I doubt of that.
  13. Nora is doing the dishes by now... Poor ants, they may not survive to this action that we didn't expect anymore.
  14. Did they make any sign to us ? Probably not, too bad! (Ils auraient au moins pu faire un petit coucou !)
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