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  1. Odd how you can pull that one out of your ass LOL. I was there live. As I said, Zoya was in the living room doorway - and I watched Taboo get ready to go out.
  2. Today I turn in my keys. Being totally honest here, this board is no longer fun. We seem to have crossed a threshold where insults and name-calling have become the norm, and respect is a lost art. This has become nothing more than an extension of the BS we hear every day in politics, and I simply don't need it. I wish you all well, but even more so, i wish you the courtesy to think first - talk later. You might be surprised how well that works.
  3. What's the big deal? Did Kristy go ballistic when Kami screwed cokeboy, or the guy in Thailand? These are young, single, experimental girls - and they happen to be best friends. And besides, a lot of girls "cuddle and play" (it's safer than playing with a boy!).
  4. Even if you've been banned, you can get a new account - but it takes a little knowledge of how to to it. If Harley wanted in, he could do it. I think he gets tempted now and then, but usually comes to the conclusion "the hell with it". Right Harley?
  5. Something else I want to try and explain... this post isn't "at" anyone in particular, but to "everyone" in general. Let's take apart the current inhabitant of the Barcelona Apartment... Elisa; Young, beautiful, a knockout, and blond - AND she knows it. She likes having fun, she likes walking around naked, she likes masturbating in front of the cameras, and I'll bet money she LOVES sex. Oh, and she also enjoy drinking - regularly. Rita; Brunette, beautiful, reserved, and very classy. She respects herself, she drinks socially. She probably likes sex as well, but in dark rooms or with the shades pulled. Some would call her a goddess, and do. Vika; Pretty girl, but she knows "beautiful" isn't going to be her label while Elisa and Rita are there. She wishes her boobs were bigger, and could use a blast of self confidence. She's also compassionate, maybe to a fault. She loves sex but wants it with her boyfriend. So, here you have 3 girls totally different living in the same apartment. Different subjects will pair these girls differently. You will probably see Vika and Rita being friendly more often because they are both a bit out of step with Elisa's openness to sex. There is NOTHING that suggests ANY of these girls would normally be interested in a girl-girl relationship !!! So, things like strip poker, sharing a bath, or getting naked together is ALWAYS going to look forced and a bit unconfortable - because they are doing it for us. They would never do these things under normal circumstances. Is this starting to make a little sense?
  6. But your using the word "fake" too freely. Rita is a classy girl - probably too classy to be on RLC. She's beautiful, but obviously is doing as little as possible to justify her staying in the apartment. She simply isn't the kind of girl to strip off her clothes and fuck in the middle of the floor. If there's someone to blame for that, it's RLC - NOT Rita. We can't assume every girl that walks in the door is a stripper and escort. If that were true, you would have something more like VV or WM247. THOSE are people who sign the contracts to have open sex. RLC, by their name "Real Life Cam" is trying to get something a little different - something that shows people living day to day INCLUDING sex but not DEPENDING on it. When RIta, Elisa, and Vika sit down to play strip poker, they are doing it for us. They are doing it to try and fulfill what's expected of them. If Elisa's BF showed up and they had sex all over the apartment, this doesn't show that Elisa is doing her job and Rita isn't - it shows that Elisa is a more open girl than Rita is - something we should expect to learn about every girl that walks through that door. I've said it before, if your looking for open and unbridled sex, there are thousands of porn site that will give you that and more. RLC is trying to give you something closer to "reality".
  7. Not so fast... These girls (or guys) are under contract to RLC (free rent and maybe bonuses) to ENTERTAIN their subscribers. That entertainment is taking a bath, getting dressed, maybe walking around naked, having sex, masterbating, and anything else that might be interesting to the subscribers. HOWEVER, as they each do thses things within the personalities they are, we call it "fake". Tell me, how can you DEMAND your monies worth - that they show you skin, that they have sex, that they walk around naked - and THEN say it's fake??? OF COURSE IT"S FAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have an apartment and people getting PAID to do nasty things... and every f___g time they do it, someone here is calling it fake. WHAT IS REAL???? What is real is when you have a secret camera in an apartment and record things that the tenants are not aware of. THAT IS REAL. Get over yourselves guys and enjoy the adult entertainment your paying for.
  8. I'm going to stick myself out on a limb here... I want a definition of "fake". The word is thrown around here so much the overall impression is that nothing is real. I want to know what it is these girls do that is "fake". The strip poker game is "fake"... sure seems to me they took off their clothes. The bubble bath is "fake"... the bubbles seemed real to me, and the girls were naked. Vika being friendly is "fake"... looked to me like they were enjoying each others company. Just pointing out that the overuse of the word "fake" raises the question of what's "real".
  9. This was my intent, and what I feel is sometimes lacking. I have gone overboard too at times - it's just that we need to keep the above in mind before we let things get out of hand.
  10. For a board like this to be successful, and fun, there must be some level of respect for both the RLC participants and the people posting here. To be honest, the lack of that respect is what is currently driving the American political process. If we don't insist on a little respect for each other and the apartment tenants, the quality of the conversation here will eventually become very trollish - leaving the trolls to occupy a majority of the posts. When I originally joined here, we disagreed - but we always ended our conversations with some sort of understanding. In truth, I don't see much of that anymore. Think it over. The tenants deserve respect as do all of us.
  11. Agreed, we've established she drinks a lot. Many of us could have probably put her to shame in past years as well. Let it go.
  12. Tell you what Corbo, I don't want to continue this uncomfortable discussion either, and it does appear we are all not so sure anymore who said what or what comment we got pissed about. Let's agree to let this one go, and if the issue comes up again, lets try and clarify what one means before we jump off the handle. Language is part of the problem - I know I struggle sometimes to understand the true meaning when various phrases are different between us. I also think, like I said before, America's tendency to pre-label any girl in this profession as "trash" tends to put us on the defensive with the girls. Had a post said that "escorting" is one possibility of how they make money, I don't think I would have reacted like I did because it was raised as a possibility - not a fact. I am sure some of the girls in these apartments lead lives we would not want our daughters to lead - but I'm also sure all these girls have different limits of what they would do to survive. We should accept those ideas without being judgemental about them.
  13. I'm not sure what you want from us Corbo (& friends). If your expecting us to agree with you, that's simply not going to happen. If you want us to know that you think the girls are prostitutes, whores, and cover it by being Escorts, then fine; we understand you feel that way. Now can we just drop this discussion?
  14. I do think part of the problem is cultural. America, like it or not, is very Victorian. "Prostitution" has a very bad connotation here. It is degrading. Any girl that takes part in sex-for-money is considered "trash". All girls who take money for sex are in this category in America - whether they are high class Escorts, or drug dealers. I suspect that many of the readers here are American or English, and conversations that throw the word "prostitute" around freely will result in these girls being viewed in a very bad way. I don't want to see that because of some old Victorian attitudes. Most of these girls are trying to make a living and start a career, or looking for a husband, in any way they can. Some have more limits than others, but they all are trying to survive with the tools they have. I just don't want to pre-label them.
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