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  1. One month after my sub expied...it's pretty evident that this is RLCs permanent direction. Weekly/Biweekly vistis by controlling boyfriends while the girls do fuck all (except try on clothes?) in between. Nothing interesting. I mean it's pretty much a refugee site now. The old RLC has gone. They are putting zero effort into the content and allowing tenants to control the site. They hide, pretend, fake, bait, have platonic sit around parties, play cards, allow mom, dad and siblings to stay over and even stay/occupy/squat for what looks like permancy. Enjoy the man ass. I will not be buying this shit.
  2. The previews just showning more man ass and men in the kitchen helping themselves like they live there....like every day.
  3. This whole "couples on vacation" BS has never worked.
  4. This fucking idiot came into this "project" swinging his dick in every direction. He braged about his work and even conducted business on camera. This loser now wants sympathy? What the Fuck? If I was a loser like him and I decided to go on RLC...common sense would tell me that my employer finding out should be my first concern...after all it's the fucking INTERNET! But...I guess...given that this mental midget who only thinks with his dick got cocky and thought he was above the INTERNET! He really thought nobody who knows him would see him on RLC...it's the fucking INTERNET FFS. Somebody, he knew, a client, friend, ex...the fucking ticket collector at the train station...reported him. TOUGH FUCKING SHIT!
  5. It literally could have been anyone in his shitty life that saw him on RLC. Nobody is going to write a note to his employer and reference CC...it's useless information. He knows what people say about him on here...he's just projecting.
  6. the en-suite is a powder keg for her
  7. I don't have to respect anyone...just because they post on this site. Get over yourself
  8. I am making it my resolve to warn others that RLC is nothing more than a site dedicated to baiting people into subscribing. They rip poeple of by allowing visitors that do not participate, guys who block cams and disrupt any activity that the girls get into including getting naked by the pool, lighting fuckery to block the camera exposure, moving furniture to block and disrupt camera views, endless parties that bait people into watching yet never lead to anything and fake shows that are only designed to trick people into getting their wallets out. You...on the other hand endlessly promote all of the shit above with your "positive" encouragement and love of man ass.
  9. ATTENTION RLC....If those two mature moms singing in the LR were to get down nasty with each other, I would sub in a heart beat...cause...you know...that would be actually interesting. Unlike everything else going on on the site at the moment.
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