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  1. Um...your math sucks..at 480 to 580 mph average cruising speed...it's an hour and a half flight maximum
  2. Lol...every time I see the previews there is another guy sitting at that breakfast bar. Today is not different. WTF are you thinking RLC?
  3. Becoming queen of the forum are you...don't worry your comeuppins is near. How many have you taddle told to stncld to date? Or have you lost count? Just so everyone knows...the sudden spike in bans is due to this loon and his reporting. Go fuck yourself.
  4. All of you sitting watching, anticipating the next arrival of cock.
  5. pretty much describes all of RLC these days. That way you're not paying for garbage.
  6. In addition to the several couples in the Barcelona places...I see we now have another in B2. Wow...can this shit get any worse?
  7. All of you watching this shit renders your complaints mute. Either stop subbing or stop your fucking complaining.
  8. EVERY time I see the free kitchen cam for B4...there is another guy there. Once again just now. It never ends. Nope...no sub
  9. Daytona squatting in this apartment too?
  10. It would be...but...this is RLC...they wouldn't do shit.
  11. ...so anyway...I can see from the free cams...the freak has made himself at home again. Sorry RLC...you keep pulling this shit...not going to sub.
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