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  1. BTW, I have 50 years of experience as a "live event" photographer. I'd show you the picture I took of my grandma from 1974 but but you get the idea. Hell, you probably dated her. Regardless, she was still alive so I consider it a live event!
  2. My point is that I am here for a reason, and that is to enjoy Linda's body. What is your reason for being here? I know why stalker boy is here, but what's yours?
  3. God bless you Linda. May you reign as Queen forever!
  4. And, just to piss off all you Linda haters. Look at the sun rising over that beautiful body. I even gotta give Tbone a nod on this one. he looks great too but Linda.
  5. upyourass: Pretender. Loves Linda but designated stalker so dismissed. Jonno: Toady of upyourass. Will like anything he says just to continue the chaos. readhead: tag along just because someone noticed him. That concludes my assessment of this trio. Need I say more?
  6. So, for the far less experienced dudes I will say this. How Linda looks now is EXACTLY how she looks every time she returns from a vacation. The reason I say it's the cameras is because Linda is now a different color. So the camera picks up her body differently. I have years of experience in audio-visual, present day and early techniques, so I know wtf I'm talking about. So, to the little boys that are broadcasting from grandma's basement, I urge you to keep doing your Bevis and Butthead impressions. You are actually very good at it.
  7. No, fool. The cameras are picking it up like that.
  8. Her tits don't need to do any work. All they need to do is hang there. He can break-dance his ass off but that ain't putting a roof over their head so they could afford a vacation if they even had to pay for it.
  9. Welcome back from your well-deserved vacation, Linda. Tibor, sorry, but it was all about her and you know it. She earned the vacation, not you. I hope you treated her like a queen for saving you.
  10. She did nothing but tan and it's showing on these lame ass cams absurdly. And this is why I say again. The fucking cameras. It's time for 4k RLC. Fire the site manager or whomever. If Linda and the other ladies there were showing in 4k you'd be way, way ahead of the game. Just do it.
  11. I don't know all of them. If you could pm me that would be great.
  12. Fascinating. You do seem to know an awful lot about them. I should have seen it before. Is there other inside information we all should know?
  13. Have a great trip L and T. Thank you Linda for spending most of the day naked/topless on the day before you left! Great job using cameras 8, 9, and 10 lately. They are great cams to show your body
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