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  1. Past hour
  2. It's not just her breast, she has a nice body. 🙂
  3. You are a busy man. Looking after all the crazies. 🤣
  4. Yesterday
  5. I'm going to be doing the same myself and it's only 7:00PM.
  6. Not forgetting those titties bouncing about.
  7. Aging is a universal journey, and it seems to sprint for some while taking a leisurely stroll with others.
  8. This Gif describes them perfectly...bang on.
  9. Idk, but I would love to see Sava in some good action, this girl has the shapes and I am sure she is great at fucking…by far the best of the new girls
  10. Busy Sunday for them as usual. Got to get their sleep.
  11. You should know by now they're always in bed at midnight or before. Tibor's Neanderthalic.
  12. So where in REAL LIFE do girls do this?
  13. Not as bad as your obsessed creepy bullshit.
  14. Apologies, but this isn't my cup of tea. Perhaps it might be the right kind of wave for the younger crowd to surf on.
  15. Can barely look after themselves.
  16. Saturday night, most of the project is awake and these two fucking clowns are asleep. Honestly pack up and FO, freeloading wasters.
  17. Triggered you though didn't it...go swim with some sharks.
  18. Yeah. From beer, fries and coke. 🤣
  19. Let's hope not. Neither is ready for such a significant responsibility.
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