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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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Barca worked better back when Kristy and Kamilla was there. They knew the reason they where able to stay in Barca. They went out partying on the weekdays, and stayed at home at the weekends.

Irma and Jessica was also great at staying at home.


Sher and Regina has to what I know only stayed at home 1 or 2 evening/nights. And one of them was spent sleeping. Hopefully Party Polya leaves soon, so Tereza has one less to go out with.

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2 minutes ago, Frankster said:

Barca ha funzionato meglio indietro quando Kristy e Kamilla era lì. Sapevano dove la ragione per cui in grado di rimanere in Barca. Sono andati fuori a festeggiare durante la settimana, e sono rimasti a casa durante il fine settimana.

Irma e Jessica era anche grande a stare a casa.


Sher e Regina ha da quello che so rimasto solo a casa 1 o 2 notti / sera. E uno di loro è stato speso a dormire. Speriamo Partito Polya lascia presto, in modo da Tereza ha uno in meno di uscire con.

I do not understand RLC.
But when do casting and contracts do not speculate to the girls that is a site for voyeur?
If you're not at home what I fucking look at?
And if I do not look that voyeur are ???

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12 minutes ago, John terry said:

It seems to understand that all the girls are in the same country, but I do not think they are in the same places

Only the two "girls on vacation" apartments, but they're about 20 min away from each other. As I have understood from the last tenants at Martinas place, they're also in Barcelona, but never had any contact with B1 and B2.

The rest of the apartments are spread over europe and russia. Some in Czech Republic. Mostly seen by they're time. Leora seems to be somewhere in eastern russia.


But by "in the same place" you mean mentally, B1 and B2 seems these days to be in the same place: Party all night.

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16 minutes ago, John terry said:

It seems to understand that all the girls are in the same country, but I do not think they are in the same places

Welcome to CC John. Girls on vacation apartments are located in Barcelona Spain 

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