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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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It looks more like Vasil is leaving, not just packing for a trip. OK, but we see girl after girl leave, while others stay forever. Sofe was here a "normal" lenght, Helen left early, and now Vasil, but we are stuck with Lola!

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16 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

And tomorrow you'll say they are ignoring each other..:dodgy::biggrin:

Sher is nice, it was the two others claimed to be not too open and friendly towards Renata. It looked like that the other night, but I haven't watched B1 that closely, and I think it is normal that it takes alittle time for a new girl to adapt, to join right in on all conversations.

And if Naga thinks they are ignoring tomorrow, he should feel free to express that!

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