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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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23 minutes ago, bud2966 said:

so what can be seen nothing  all about the hiding in bathtub 


16 minutes ago, bud2966 said:

renata is as fake as the other 6  Barcelona girls sorry but there is nothing real with them  all their real is out side the apt  

Wait a second bud. I don't think she was hiding. The cam placement in the B1 bathroom is absolute shit. Also, how can you complain about hiding when Sofie could teach a class on hiding from the cams? You were obsessed with her. I saw Sofie pitching "tents" nightly. I saw Sofie strategically placing pillows and her clothing in such a way as to not reveal anything. Weren't you the one complaining that Sofie spent too much time on the balcony out of view of the cams? Remember when it was claimed she was getting text messages to tell her what to do next?

Tonight we saw Renata bate in the tub in full view of the cams...not with the lights off and not with candles to screw with NV. The blocked view is on RLC and their cam placement, not Renata.

Just a week or so ago, she gave one of the best bates of a new tenant in some time. Not once did she hide.

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Just now, cacjc said:

faster the better in my 2 years of watching RLC iv'e seen beautiful girls ugly funny smart boring sexy but these are the worst.

I have not watched much of the b apt after sofie  and I sure can see I have not missed nothing 

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it is your real life concept that is wrong, it is true that sometimes they seem boring and that some girls may seem false, but all the complaints here are simply because they do not do what you want or what you want to see, obviously that life is out of the apartment, I think it works so for all of us, everyone has a life out of their home and not inside. you complain if the girls are not in the house, you complain if they are at home and do nothing, you complain if they have a home party and it does not end as you would have liked it.

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3 minutes ago, Peanut_Brotha said:


Wait a second bud. I don't think she was hiding. The cam placement in the B1 bathroom is absolute shit. Also, how can you complain about hiding when Sofie could teach a class on hiding from the cams? You were obsessed with her. I saw Sofie pitching "tents" nightly. I saw Sofie strategically placing pillows and her clothing in such a way as to not reveal anything. Weren't you the one complaining that Sofie spent too much time on the balcony out of view of the cams? Remember when it was claimed she was getting text messages to tell her what to do next?

Tonight we saw Renata bate in the tub in full view of the cams...not with the lights off and not with candles to screw with NV. The blocked view is on RLC and their cam placement, not Renata.

Just a week or so ago, she gave one of the best bates of a new tenant in some time. Not once did she hide.

none of the girls that are at the Barcelona apartment now all put together can hold a candle to sofie   and sorry that some don't like to hear the truth 

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2 minutes ago, Mauri said:


it is your real life concept that is wrong, it is true that sometimes they seem boring and that some girls may seem false, but all the complaints here are simply because they do not do what you want or what you want to see, obviously that life is out of the apartment, I think it works so for all of us, everyone has a life out of their home and not inside. you complain if the girls are not in the house, you complain if they are at home and do nothing, you complain if they have a home party and it does not end as you would have liked it.

What i'm saying is this is the worst bunch of girls iv'e seen in my opinion, if you are happy with what your paying for that's great i'm happy for you but for me hiding and bringing girls in here like Zlata who does nothing but Jigsaw puzzles is crap i can see more skin on You Tube.

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