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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes October 2017

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8 hours ago, happyone said:
On 10/24/2017 at 9:29 AM, djoko00 said:

 i never said any personal info  that can lead  after that to the real identity of the girls , what i usually said is their daily life infos nothing more , the pic i put was without any source  

And then you said:

Harley, the highlighted part of your posts with your attitude towards the girls makes it perfectly clear why the rules are in effect to protect these girls real identies

Whatever Happyone.....you are one of the one's that is the worst at protecting girls that hookup at every chance they get.  Girls that leave the apartment at very odd hours of the night. Girls that leave the apartment dressed for a hookers convention.  You know I'm right and don't want to admit that you are wrong.  These girls ARE NOTHING SPECIAL, they are girls that are in the adult entertainment business and it shows by their actions.  Quit trying to be the DAD of every girl that walks through the doors of RLC and let others speak their minds without some smart ass come back or by protecting these girls like they were your own!!!

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6 hours ago, happyone said:

she may have a full figure, but she certainly is good looking-really pretty lady 

From the vids and pictures I've seen, she is a really pretty lady!!


6 hours ago, Donzi said:

Renata being at B2 is not a bad thing. Wev're a;ready seen her work at B1 just imaginf her and Leona. They could do amazing shows for us.


With what she does, that is true but please don't expect to see that!!

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