F219 Posted September 12, 2013 Posted September 12, 2013 Did the dog go to sleep with a yellow ball in his mouth??
van the man Posted September 12, 2013 Posted September 12, 2013 LOL!!! No I think it was just laying next to it!!!!
dorman Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 Someone correct me if I'm wrong. But I feel so sorry for that dog. All he does is sleep, and sleep and sleep. Last time I saw anyone pet him was when they first moved in and some girl at their housewarming party was antagonizing him. I never see maya or Stefan play with him, or pet him. Same for the cat, Both pets appear kinda sickly and depressed. The dog now looks like it is missing a huge patch of fur on its neck. Poor dog, poor cat. but mostly poor dog, because dogs are cool.
nightquest Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 I've actually seen them play and pet several times. I agree that they're sometimes alone for a long time but I wouldnt say that he's neglected
Guest friedel Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 ich habe schon öffters über die tiere in den wohngemeischaften geschrieben. Maya geht zweimal am tag mit ihn raus, was normalerweise zu wenig ist, gestreichelt werden die beiden auch. Aber die richtige liebe zu beiden fehlt. Mit der stelle am hals des hundes, da hatte er sich mal gebissen. Einen tierarzt kennen die nicht haben alles selber versucht. Heute hat der hund auf den flur für unordnung gesorgt mal sehen was noch passiert.
Guest friedel Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 sie kam gerade nach hause, sah die geschichte was der hund da gemacht hatte, und verprügelte ihn gleich. Das hat wirklich nichts mehr mit tierliebe zu tun.Wenn sie eben nicht bei einen ihrer lovern angekommen ist. läst man nicht die wut an den tieren ab, die können nichts dafür. Schade das ich die camera aus hatte, sonst hätte ich das video von eurer princessin hochgeladen
Guest andrew Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 this is a normal upbringing for a dog. I also beat my dog when she eats garbage, or if she does something like that. The fact that the dog is sleeping all the time, it is normal for this breed of dog. They are very inactive. I saw that they were trying to play with the dog, but the dog does so reluctantly.
Guest friedel Posted September 14, 2013 Posted September 14, 2013 So it can look no education, if the animal is over 10 hours alone. Maybe he was hungry and the stuff smelled so good. Besides these is also the litter box in the corner. I had ever written that I have taken the trouble, it watching a week. V0n 144 hours was the poor tie gerademal 12 hours outside. This is way too little for this breed of dog. One can indeed see her again today gerademal half an hour away is friendly, and they phoned Schup she left the house at 9 uh twenty. Since the poor animal will again be alone for very long. I can teuschen me that she comes earlier, it is not noticeable. I can see myself in the apartment near where animals are, so I can see if they're okay. Anyway, these two do not have it. As the people there walking around, naked or dressed interests me not so hot. The dog to the vet Müster too much time has the reude and can thus lose all the fur in an emergency.
Guest andrew Posted September 14, 2013 Posted September 14, 2013 A piece of fur on his neck was to shave off. Maya did it. there was a wound, probably after the bite. Maya often treated the wound. They take care of the dog, and the dog is OK. What would you suggest to make the dog more happy? Given the fact that they work all day? ???
Guest friedel Posted September 14, 2013 Posted September 14, 2013 Just as I know it does not work. I imagine that you should take care of the animals when you come home immediately. I do not know if you own a dog, if so, you have also determines the rauszu OPPORTUNIT go with him. Now, for example also, they sit there and play the animals sleep, but usually the animal must ever get out. I own 2 german shepherd dog and go out with them every 3-4 hours a day. Large dogs need leak. And you can not tell me what to do with their animals is healthy for the
Guest andrew Posted September 14, 2013 Posted September 14, 2013 Only small puppies are walking every 3-4 hours. I agree that they should walk the dog more often, but we are looking RLC not to see that they went for a walk with the dog.
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