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  1. Now they're watching porn (or a home video of themselves) on the tv. Definitely getting/being frisky
  2. True, that wasn't Diana. It was one of the first nights Diana and Efim came on RLC. They had a sort of housewarming party. Two friends and efim took a bath together and after efim left the two friends had sex. It was actually Efim who got into trouble because of that. When Diana found out (aboout 10 minutes after he got out) they ahd a fight, Diana cried in the bedroom and the party was over
  3. I hate to be the one that has to do this but seriously... the first one was about 10 topics down. so not that hard to find http://camcaps.net/nora-sofie-lilu-and-mia/so-mia-left/ http://camcaps.net/nora-sofie-lilu-and-mia/au-revoir-mia/
  4. Haha, noem je dat Nederlands? Dan moet het wel een echte zijn, niemand spreekt zo slecht Nederlands als wij Nederlanders :P
  5. Does anyone know if am400 got the gun he asked for and shot himself? Pix iz Relitivated.
  6. I like you am400, I really do. But, if you even had any one of these women for a year or more, then you would change much of what you say. I remember when I was 15, and me and bestfriend were like, "Man, when I get me a hot wife someday, I'm going to fuck her everyday." Believe me, we meant that too...at the time. But, when we both reached our twenties, neither of us were saying that. In our twenties, we both were more interested in fucking more girls (variety)...not staying with one hot chick that had become too familiar to us. Bottom line, most if not all heterosexual men, all become too familiar with the women/girls we get with. This is not to say we stop loving them or anything else. But, having the same cookies every day is nothing like having that cookie when we first tried it. And, that is what you need to learn and come to know. I especially like the fact that no one in this topic includes the woman in their answer. its all "I would do this" and "I would do that". Has it ever occurred to anyone that some of the women don't want to "get fucked everyday"?
  7. so you're only allowed to tell jokes that no one has ever heard before? right... good luck with that!
  8. I have the same problem. It doesnt load the kitchen cam for a few days now. Just keeps going wit the endless loading icon
  9. seriously, your only post on this forum is to bitch about someone else mentioning that which this topic was started for? Well, then allow me to enlighten to, as you went to such great lengths to complain. 1. This topic was meant to give people a place where to could mention if and where a sexual act was commencing. So that people on this board could see it and if they were in time they could look as well. 2. It tells you that they appearently had a good day because they already had sex twice before. So ist nice to know they had energy for round 3 3. I don't know what happened on the balcony as that is kind of the point of them having sex on the balcony. you cant see them there. You can here them and you can see silhouettes moving in the window. so to summarise. My "unsinn" post gave you a heads up to check it out yourself if you were around. What in fact happened was that they were having sex, as I mentioned. As to the details, I dont know because it was on the fucking balcony so use your imagination and stop calling other people's posts useless if you don't have anything to contribute yourself
  10. Espero que te imagines por dónde me paso las reglas del foro si estas me obligan a hablar una lengua para poder participar en él... Como otros, me puedo comunicar en inglés y uso diccionario/traductor cuando lo necesito... Haced vosotros lo mismo cuando tengáis problemas de comprensión y así comprenderéis lo que sentimos todos aquellos que no hablamos inglés como primera lengua cuando viajamos por el mundo! actually no, I don't understand. I'm not from an english speaking country, nor is english my first language. I do however understand that if everyone speaks their own language, no one understands one another and it becomes almost impossible to translate. if everyone speaks one language, everybody else can just fill the webpage in google translate and translate all at once. if every post is in a different language you cant. It is way too much of a hassle to translate each and every post from a different language in the hope you find something interesting. I tried it and after the tenth "oh yes, she is horny slut" and "i don't like small breasts" comment rolling out of the translater I decided it was not worth the effort so now I just skip any language I can't understand. My guess is that if you post on a public messageboard you want your post to be seen and you want to contribute to a discussion. So why anyone would want to make their post as hard as possible to read is beyond my comprehension. So I don't car if its french, english, turkish or Hongarian. But the more we keep it the same language the easier it is for all. At least in my opinion
  11. However, for future reference. You could just push the "modify" button in the top right of your post and edit your old text ;)
  12. basically, Ange says Ruslan and his family are freeloaders who live of the live and sex of Katya. To which doc responded that they should go and live in france because they can freeload of the entire country instead of just his girl. So it would be much mmore lucrative. in a nutshell :P
  13. Its only visible for premium members. Standard memeberships and non-paying visitors cant see them
  14. I think everybody need's to stop paying period.maybe it will learn rlc a lesson. >:( sure because RLC is secretly a charity foundation but they're greedy so they ask for money. Dude... they're a company. They provide a service and this costs money so they need customers to give them money. And as it is for every company they need to make profit so they can grow and expand their business. Setting up new apartments and developing new site features are investments. Thye cost money before they start earning. You probably think that a grocery store is also evil because it dares to ask you to pay for your bread and milk.
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