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Is it worth the price?

I think it depends what time zone you live in. If you live within an area that they do, then it could be worth it because you'd have the opportunity to see them the most.

Where I live, I only get to see L&P, A&A and M&S for a few hours each day. I'm 12 hours behind them.

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Is it worth the price?

In my opinion, no it isn't. But it depends on how many couples you like. I only really care for 4 couples, and soon it'll be 3 as I'm losing interest fast in one of them. Paying $30 for 3/4 couples is a joke. If you like all the couples then it'll probably be worth it to you.

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Guest bobbyjoe

it's time remove this couple and make some news here.j like leora but what you want doing with this guy! nothing,bored, cum in 1 mn.

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