Guest bobbyjoe Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 il me fait de la peine ce pauvre paul qui essai d'obtenir quelque chose de leora en se frottant à elle mais leora n'en a rien à faire car elle sait que paul va encore jouir en 3 mn,quel ennui ce couple serieux, il est grand temps de remplacer ce couple même si leora est très joli mais çà ne suffit plus maintenant. on voit trop quel est pas heureuse et epanoui avec paul mais aura-t-elle le courage d'aller voir ailleurs! la reponse est non. elle est plus interessé par le chien que par paul,quand on en arrive là,çà veut tout dire.
honest_john Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 I lost it when scooter started humping Paul. He got 4 or 5 air humps in before even he got bored. So if you're keeping score, the dog is in the lead.
wildrose Posted November 15, 2014 Posted November 15, 2014 anyone recorded the blowjob today....if yes plz share the video
Christobare Posted November 15, 2014 Posted November 15, 2014 Leora et Paul le couple le plus ennuyeux. luis sur l'ordinateur et elle couché sur le divan a rien faire
Do88fas Posted November 16, 2014 Posted November 16, 2014 do they ever have sex ? or just sitting around doing nothing. Btw. how often do they change couples in app.?
Cho Posted November 16, 2014 Posted November 16, 2014 do they ever have sex ? or just sitting around doing nothing. Btw. how often do they change couples in app.? Real life does not mean sex all day long 7/7. How many times will repeat it... >:( And this couple is very annoying because pretty bad in bed... Evil tongues say that it is because Paul but reasonable people know that so it does not go, it must be 2.
Guest BJon Posted November 16, 2014 Posted November 16, 2014 do they ever have sex ? or just sitting around doing nothing. Btw. how often do they change couples in app.? Real life does not mean sex all day long 7/7. How many times will repeat it... >:( Just a small correction my robot friend it should be 24/7...hence 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You might want to have C3PO do a diagnostics scan on your internals. ;D ;) jk
Cho Posted November 16, 2014 Posted November 16, 2014 do they ever have sex ? or just sitting around doing nothing. Btw. how often do they change couples in app.? Real life does not mean sex all day long 7/7. How many times will repeat it... >:( Just a small correction my robot friend it should be 24/7...hence 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You might want to have C3PO do a diagnostics scan on your internals. ;D ;) jk RESET ! ;D ;D ;D
Guest BJon Posted November 16, 2014 Posted November 16, 2014 do they ever have sex ? or just sitting around doing nothing. Btw. how often do they change couples in app.? Real life does not mean sex all day long 7/7. How many times will repeat it... >:( Just a small correction my robot friend it should be 24/7...hence 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You might want to have C3PO do a diagnostics scan on your internals. ;D ;) jk RESET ! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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