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Leora - General Chat Topic December 2019 #21


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For me, I really don't care if they stay divorce or they reconcile, I personally would not hang around for yet another bating drought because of him, and it doesn't mean it has to happen everyday or every other day, but we all know when this drought is happening, and by the way, they just went into the bedroom and I am not really interested, nor have I ever been interested in seeing Paul having sex.... but that's just me

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3 minutes ago, Johnny 5 said:

Before when I said "I'm not gonna talk shit about him" I first wrote a long thing just about that, but realized I had very little to base it on..

But yeah, He defenitely stopped caring about her a long time ago, and only keeps her for convenience and money, and because he could never get another girlfriend ever since he has zero to offer anybody.

when he "cared" about her he would humiliate her and get violent and be the psychopath that he truly is,

those traits don't leave a person, it's something else that has left.. his "care" for her. can you imagine if you liked someone, that person was fucking Leora and she happened to like you back, is there any chance you would allways look severely depressed, never smile at her, hardly look or talk to her? Just the minimum to be able to still call it a relationship, and a half assed fake smile here and there to keep her around.

Why she is with him is probably because he's her first boyfriend or close to it, and you can get a very strong bond with your first partner, especially if you met young and has been together this long,


Girls with low to no self esteem almost always end up with some like him.

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