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Guest seanlocard

guys i kno its disturbing and sort of boresnore for you most prob but wud anyone mind sharing the passworkd for RLC. promise will never post any links or watsoever.


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guys i kno its disturbing and sort of boresnore for you most prob but wud anyone mind sharing the passworkd for RLC. promise will never post any links or watsoever.


So...not only are you posting your begging crap in threads that have nothing to do with passwords, login details or how to be a dumbass, you are spamming your shit all over the forum.

If I were Admin, I'd boot your ass.

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Guest The D

Lately, very few cool pics and vids have been posted. I never asked anyone for anything. However, without the pic & vid posts, this whole site is worthless. If I wanted to type to a bunch of personalities, I'd be on FB. So, post more good shit, keep your password to yourself and enjoy the page.

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Lately, very few cool pics and vids have been posted. I never asked anyone for anything. However, without the pic & vid posts, this whole site is worthless. If I wanted to type to a bunch of personalities, I'd be on FB. So, post more good shit, keep your password to yourself and enjoy the page.

Or, get your own damn account and pay for it yourself, like the rest of us. And quit your bitching.

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Admin is going to be watching and booting these beggars/spammers.  I also requested that JoJo be considered for a Modulator position.  He'll certainly be more of an asset to CamCaps than what he already is right now.  I'm sure he'd like to literally and physically "boot" some of these thread shredders, lol.  I like to come here to read the comments, see pics, vids, and catch-up when I'm away, not see 150 posts in every thread asking for logins or passwords.  That shit gets old and tiring, and pisses people off.  >:( 

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Guest 862286

Admin is going to be watching and booting these beggars/spammers.  I also requested that JoJo be considered for a Modulator position.  He'll certainly be more of an asset to CamCaps than what he already is right now.  I'm sure he'd like to literally and physically "boot" some of these thread shredders, lol.  I like to come here to read the comments, see pics, vids, and catch-up when I'm away, not see 150 posts in every thread asking for logins or passwords.  That shit gets old and tiring, and pisses people off.  >:(

Couldn't agree with you more bud.

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A reward as in login details to other sites/vids from other sites

Tell you what, dude....you give me a secure login to the Pentagon and I'll consider buying you an account.  (I have some unfinished business with the Army)

Anything else you might have is of no interest to me.

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Guest noralover

a secure login to the pentagon sounds pretty good to me...... can I have one too?  ;)

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