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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #64 August 2020


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   There have been occasions that have been noticed to have occurred at times, with either one, or the other, of the attractive women of the residence that were certainly interesting and quite pleasant occasions to have been fortunate enough to have noticed.

   There have also been some other occasions that have been noticed to have occurred at times, with both of the attractive women of the residence and some of their interactions as friends and roommates that were certainly quite interesting and really quite pleasant as well.

   Last month made six months since the arrival of one of the friends. If she only had a six month visa, it would have ended then. Because of the unfortunate virus affecting nearly the entire worlds populations, there were travel restrictions implemented in many places.

   After the first wave had subsided some for awhile, some places and governments began to rescind some of the travel restrictions. Then, a second wave of the virus started hitting in many places, and some travel restrictions were reimplemented and some were never rescinded. 

   If that friend known as Malia only had a six month visa, she could not return last month because of travel restrictions. If she was not able or did not attempt to get any extension, she may have to return whenever travel restrictions are rescinded again enough so to allow her to do so.

   It has been mentioned recently that there are changes coming soon at the residence by someone who may very well know of such. There are really not many scenario's that could be considered as far as what any coming changes may end up being.

   One being...perhaps that travel restrictions will be lifted enough soon that will allow Malia to leave to return to her homeland of which they may have already been made aware of.

   Another being...perhaps Malia may not be going to be leaving anytime soon afterall, and arrangements have been made for her to have her own apartment there.

   Another being...perhaps that Malia may not be going to be leaving anytime soon, and will be remaining at the current apartment with her friend Leora and perhaps a new resident will be moving in with them both. Perhaps someone else associated with Leora.

   Another being...perhaps arrangements have been made for Leora to have another different apartment there and if so, perhaps with someone else involved in her life as well, and that Malia will remain at the current apartment for awhile longer.

   Regardless of whatever scenario may unfold there, whether it may be any of the one's mentioned or not, or some other scenario, it will likely have an affect on there being as much, if any further interactions between the two friends, and if so, will be quite unfortunate imo.

   As originally mentioned, there have been occasions that have been noticed to have occurred at various times with either one, or the other of the two when either of the two friends was by theirselves, that seemed to be interesting and pleasant.

   Over the last 4 months, some of the occasions that have been noticed to have occurred involving some of the two friend's interactions were also quite interesting and certainly quite pleasant as well to have noticed, and imo, even more so than some of the occasions noticed when either of the two friends was by theirselves.

   I realize this is alot to read and apologize for taking up as much space for one post, but it does afterall pertain to part of the L&M story.

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