Guest silversurfer2013 Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I just wonder if there has ever been a reaction or interaction - posting or talking with the cameras between leora and paul and the virtual audience. i guess they are always aware about users watching them online at a given moment. since i do not speak russian, did they talk about camcaps at all or do they blend it 100% out which would be very special i think. we do live in a GenY world but they are not just SIMs so they must be very aware of the cams watching them. Any thoughts on this?
TBG 150 Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 At one time, someone came on here, created an account under the name 'shadow' and pretended to be Leora. This person was defending Paul and making him look to be a good person. While no one here really knows who is who, it could all be a big hoax perpetrated by just a few people. Look at the people registered and logged in. At times there are 200 people there, and only 3 or 4 posting? I don't buy into much of it, but for the cost of admission, it is better entertainment than RLC itself. The fees put in place to help with the site costs will weed them out. None of the kiddies will be able to see the links, pictures media gallery or site hosted videos anymore, so they'll go somewhere else. **EDIT** I don't think there could be a meaningful interaction between the people here and the couples in the apartments. Go look at a site like Chaturbate or MFC's that allow what they call 'grays' to post. The performers usually block it all out because it's the same old stupid demands and some get outright nasty to the models, male or female. Maybe there could be an interaction at a member level someday, but with humans getting more anti-social, I doubt it will ever happen. They'll just hang behind a keyboard and pretend that these people are their friends. This is the new age. / I have 500 friends. Yeah sure. On Google, Twatter, FaceBook or some other plebeian site. They don't even know if the people that they are 'conversing' with are real of computer generated animation. I have real friends. We go out fishing, do car associated things, hang in the back yard for a few drinks, stuff like that. You greet with a handshake and a hug to their wives. Whatever.
woodworker Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Yes, And I was the glad recipient of one of Shadow's mysterious messages. I felt honored in some strange way.
Guest Squirrel Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Theoretically, whether tenants are tenants on CamCaps, or whether they are imposters, is unknowable. For example, some person (who shall remain nameless) put up a post using precisely MY writing style. It was a masterpiece of mimicry. It was so damn good, I actually thought I had written it, and then forgotten I had posted it. Hilarious! So far, I've seen only fun and friendly trolling on CamCaps. And no, Shadow probably wasn't Leora...maybe.
woodworker Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Oh that's a shame, as I even got myself a Russian book on Poetry, and was hoping or looking forward to a long distance correspondence with her.
TBG 150 Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 How shocking. Shadow could have been Paul. You would have been wooing a guy, woodie. Say it isn't so. ;)
woodworker Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I promise you that would never happen!!! But just think about how mad he would have gotten,.. I would have loved it!
woodworker Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 "Oh Shadow, may I call you Shadow Leora? I want so much to tear those little panties off and lay a crushing fuck upon you, and your delightful little body." Paul would have been all bent out of shape over it all,.. LOL. I could just see him now,.. "IT'S ME YOU MOTHER FUCKER,.. I'M PAUL!
Guest Squirrel Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Shadow did not write broken English in a consistent manner. Native English speakers can't either (unless they're trained by the NSA. Or Russians trained by what was formerly known as the KGB.) That's a clue as to the fact that Shadow was either an English speaking imposter, or a genuine ruse. You decide!
woodworker Posted January 17, 2014 Posted January 17, 2014 Your saying that my Shadow was a charlatan! Oh, what kind of a world do we live in anymore?
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