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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 5

pulo filipe

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3 minutes ago, patou said:

mais les coup de fil ont très courts car d habitude c’est beaucoup plus long, mais je comprend pas le russe si c etait paul je suis content et rassuré peut être elle ses rendues chez une copine avec sa nouriture alors ???

paul has been out shopping ,   leora was telling him where to go in all these phone calls and what to buy. 

she spoke  to a woman back home in russia at 15.45 .

Last night the girls spoke about sunday that malia will return , but things like this can change,  as leora has plans to cook fish  for them both. 

Leora told her boyfriend a few days ago  she had plans to meet her friends on friday. 


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Guest Slipper Guyquad
30 minutes ago, GAG-HER said:

paul has been out shopping ,   leora was telling him where to go in all these phone calls and what to buy. 

she spoke  to a woman back home in russia at 15.45 .

Last night the girls spoke about sunday that malia will return , but things like this can change,  as leora has plans to cook fish  for them both. 

Leora told her friend a few days ago  she had plans to meet her friends on friday. 


Thanks G, it was clear most of the calls were Paul.

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1 hour ago, Brokk! said:

Leora prima di domenica non torna, si è pure portata via la cena dal frigorifero e si è presa almeno 2 borsette di plastica. Ma almeno Malia dovrebbe tornare a casa, visto che ha lasciato la luce d'ingresso. Forse. 

malia doesnt need a big bag, most of her stuff is already there

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53 minutes ago, GAG-HER said:

paul has been out shopping ,   leora was telling him where to go in all these phone calls and what to buy. 

she spoke  to a woman back home in russia at 15.45 .

Last night the girls spoke about sunday that malia will return , but things like this can change,  as leora has plans to cook fish  for them both. 

Leora told her boyfriend a few days ago  she had plans to meet her friends on friday. 


Beh, allora aspettiamo e vediamo. Anche se mi sembra strano che Leora si sia portata la cena con sé se poi deve mangiare da alcune amiche. 

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1 minute ago, Brokk! said:

Beh, allora aspettiamo e vediamo. Anche se mi sembra strano che Leora si sia portata la cena con sé se poi deve mangiare da alcune amiche. 

she told her friend at 15.53 that she bought some food for her and asked who else was coming .   i think there will be 4 girls in total..   one of the girls is who she was with on saturday night. 

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
5 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Well, then let's wait and see. Although it seems strange to me that Leora took dinner with her if she then has to eat from some friends.

I saw those bags too, but remember anyway, both girls will often take garbage out with them as they leave, to save doing it another time, so quite often what they take is simply to throw out.

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
Just now, wooders78 said:

its going to be up every friday until she leaves

Yep. It's true. Some will be happy with that and that is own opinion, accepted. But Leora looks lost and bored on her own now, she sleeps with all the lights on in her room, doesn't stay awake as long either. It's all gone a bit pear shaped. 

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