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Alma and Stefan

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I find it curious to see such things being worn by this couple (Her flag shorts, his U.S. Navy shirt).  While American products are always highly sought after, as a country, we are not that popular. Seeing them wearing such American symbolisms is a surprise.

made in china

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When it comes to politics... I'm so glad I'm not American  ;)

I just watch the news and from time to time the Daily Show, laughing my ass off about how royally fucked up US politics are. How nothing's getting done, no compromises are being made and the people are being screwed without them even really noticing and even cheering on the dicks that fuck them.

You're entitled to your opinion JoJo, as am I and everybody ese - but I think I woukd disagree with you when it comes to politics. At least we can agree on naked women ;)

I'll just say the following and then won't post anything about politics anywhere else but the random discussion topic: Was the last guy any better?

This is your first mistake.  The news media all up in Obama's asshole.  And the Daily Show??  Dude, the guy's not even a good comedian...why would you listen to him about politics?

Yes, we both like naked women!!


And that's it from me on politics.

he's just a puppet!, run off corporation lobby fiat currency who own him.

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Alma et Stephan on un petit lapin :)

elle prepare des salades.....

j'en mangerais bien de sa salade...

Stefan et un gros , il ne fais jamais rien, juste devant son ordinateur...

Alma fait le menage, lave, repasse, fais a manger toute seule

STEPHAN ! BOUGE TON CUL !, feignant !

Alma and Stephan one a small rabbit:)

it prepare salads.....

I would eat it definitely of his salad...

Stefan and a wholesale trade, it never make anything, just in front of its computer...

Made Alma the menage, lava, goes past again, make has eat all alone


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