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US General Domestic Politics #16 Begins 05/14/21.

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Hoping to score some cheap evangelical cred, Lauren Boebert asked her Twitter followers�what their favorite Bible verse is. Did she really think that an open social media forum was going to give her ...


What's your favorite verse from the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO?😉

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3 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     You need to go back to school and actually learn something useful rather than attempting to be an activist.

He's on here because he failed in school just like he has failed in everything else in his life. He has such a nasty personality because he knows that he is a total and complete failure.

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1 minute ago, SPYING 1 said:

Organizers of New York City Pride banned the New York Police Department from...

0_U812 and golfer06 will be at this parade 

I think the NYPD should ban the NYC Pride parade organizers from ever receiving any police protection. Let them call BLM or ANTIFA when their homes are burglarized or they are assaulted. 😏

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6 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     Awwww....what wrong g6, something hit a nerve or something ? I believe I mentioned that having an extensive obsession about anything or anyone is in no way healthy at all for anyone. Perhaps if that was not the case, there would have been no need to respond back in some way. But, I haven't resorted to immature name calling with you yet, like you just did and your psychotic comrade first did as well, so I responded in kind and certainly can do so going forward should there be any need felt to do so. Perhaps it would not be such a bad idea to try to concentrate or get occupied with other matters that are not related to some obsession. It really isn't so healthy to have extensive obsessions about anything or anyone.

so how was the blog? find everything that you were looking for? i thought so.

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