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Leora - Home Activities #57

Slipper Guyquad

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1 hour ago, LyingBillyNoMates said:

Whilst in my opinion you have some valid points regarding "speculation " as to what is happening "off" camera, which has never been of any interest whatsoever to myself, although I can understand some peoples natural inquisitive nature being fuelled by what is being said by herself in open conversations on camera.

People should firstly put the whole RLC concept into perspective. You and some others have often been extremely vocal by advocating that RLC represents " real life ", I on the other hand beg to differ. RLC ( Real life cams ) by it's very name is a misnomer, it would be more appropriately named Real Live Camera's, which is what it actually is. Anyone who deludes themselves by thinking that the things that take place in these apartments represent real life and the homely girl next door lifestyle have some serious problems.

Yes ! Leora is a pretty woman, but is not your typical next door neighbour, she works in the sex industry and earns her money by satisfying the needs of certain individuals....No problem with that whatsoever, she is free to do whatever she wishes with her life and her body. She puts here goods on show and we either buy or not, no different to any other retailer. She is a willing participant and not a victim.

In any situation there are always going to be different points of view and varying interpretations of what the eye witnesses, that is real life! So peoples expressions of pleasure or displeasure are both valid expressions on a forum that people should realise is not entitled  "The Leora Appreciation and Fan Club for Positive Remarks Only". forum.

You also inform people who dislike certain remarks on the forum to use the " ignore" facility, obviously the same privilege is open to you if you wish to avail yourself of it. 

This is by no means a criticism of yourself, but if you should interpret it such then that's your entitlement.🙂


Well we some right academics writing on here must be professors or something alot of big words I don't understand  know what I me harry

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