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Leora - Home Activities #64

pulo filipe

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2 hours ago, patou said:

Yes, but the call was made 5 minutes ago? and she is absent

Sorry, i thought you meant before she left, because he did call again. So you mean her tablet lit up after going out? I have seen this happen in the last couple of weeks, and that is usually Paul. It only means that she hasn't turned the tablet off, every time she gets a call only her phone will ring usually, but she's left the tablet on, which is why you will have heard it.

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1 minute ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Sorry, i thought you meant before she left, because he did call again. So you mean her tablet lit up after being out? I have seen this happen in the last couple of weeks, and that is usually Paul. It only means that she hasn't turned the tablet off, every time she gets a call only her phone will ring, but she's left the tablet on, which is why you will have heard it.

phone and trabet are connected 

In the system 

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il y a 4 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Désolé, je pensais que vous vouliez dire avant son départ, parce qu’il a appelé à nouveau. Donc, vous voulez dire que sa tablette s’est allumée après avoir été dehors? J’ai vu cela se produire au cours des deux dernières semaines, et c’est généralement Paul. Cela signifie seulement qu’elle n’a pas éteint la tablette, chaque fois qu’elle reçoit un appel, seul son téléphone sonne, mais elle a laissé la tablette allumée, c’est pourquoi vous l’aurez entendue.

Oui sa a sonne sur sa tablette et je ne sais pas si, elle peut prendre la communication avec son téléphone a l’extérieur surtout si elle en compagnie de loverboy

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5 minutes ago, patou said:

Let's see if she calls Paul when she comes back if she comes home on Tuesday she is sometimes absent

Well she could be at the language class, that is very possible. But she did call Paul before leaving, and was texting a lot too as she is getting ready, and those are things i have seen her do many, many times before going out late afternoon for a few hours .....

....Plus, why you saw 2 shows in 24 hours....

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