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Leora - Home Activities #71

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Bonjour Guyquad ,Jimbo, Pulo et vous tous cher amies et amis

Merci pour tout vos commentaire d’hier soir

Une nouvelle batte dans le salon vous avez vue le loverboy que j’ai raté

Plusieurs Appels elle était joyeuse de son voyage je suppose avec loverboy, c’est le grand amour, j’ai peur pour Paul que sa se termine j’ai un présentement qu’il ne viendra pas la rejoindre.

Leora passe une bonne journée

Passez une très bon Jeudi

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24 minutes ago, patou said:

Hello Guyquad, Jimbo, Pulo and all of you dear friends

Thank you for all your comments last night

A new bat in the living room you saw the loverboy that I missed

Several calls she was happy with her trip I guess with loverboy, it is the great love, I am afraid for Paul that his end I have a presently that he will not come to join her.

Leora is having a nice day

Have a very good Thursday

Who knows what is going on Patou! Even i am struggling now. But it will probably change soon enough, it always does before long.

She had a call with Paul an hour ago.

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Good Morning - Buon giorno - Bonjour

Good morning Beautiful girls so cute

Leora and sexy girl


a great day happy everyone

family and friends


🐨👯 🌟🐈 🐱🐴🦝🐿️🦍🗼💀🐊😁 😈🐶 🦨 🔭 🏍️ 🕵️👨‍🍳🌶️ patou gag-her  brokk! nenemoh7 hard on chris gregg nic marco 6742   howard ddhm c101 taxio miraguy

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yesterday was a great day 


Leora exit 


Leora arrived 

Pink t-shirt on the sofa watching TV 

Masturbation On the couch with mr pink 

washing the kitten in the shower 


Eggs, bacon, beans, Tomato, bread, tea with milk  


To sleep 


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4 hours ago, ddhm said:

Maybe finally she’s planing slowly to present him in the audience .. I checked jimbo’s post with the timeline , she clearly wanted to show him to us.. first reactions perhaps ? Maybe RLC pressure to change her in apartment behavior  ? Leora knows each inch of each angle of each camera .. really , was she so tired to make this amateur mistake ? The time for unveiling might be approaching .. maybe she got tired with all this and she finally took the decision .. 

I wouldn't count on it much.

And if he comes, it means that Leora told him everything about RLC (And I doubt he's okay with Leora masturbating in front of the cameras). But if she didn't do it with her friends I doubt she did it with LB. Add to all of this the fact that it's an unstable relationship.

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5 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Maybe RLC pressure to change her in apartment behavior

Here we fly with fantasy. RLC doesn't have and shouldn't have the power to force someone to invite people home. I understand that there is nothing real left on that site but putting pressure on the participants to do one thing seems too much to me. But then why should they press Leora to invite someone to her house if even alone she is among the top cams? They don't care whether or not you invite people into the house. 

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