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Leora - Home Activities #72

pulo filipe

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5 minutes ago, taxio said:

que nuestros comentarios le importen?; por lo que veo, si

It depends on her mood. Most of the time not, but if there's a comment that really pisses her off you get a nice middle finger in global live (and has happened to someone here in the past 😆).

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2 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

All i know is that is the third time recently she has gone downstairs late to collect a bag which she leaves near the door, and the other times she takes it with her the next day. No idea what it can be and why, but it happens. 

I just hope it's not illegal stuff 😎

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7 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Depende de su estado de ánimo. La mayoría de las veces no, pero si hay un comentario que realmente la molesta, obtienes un buen dedo medio en vivo a nivel mundial (y le ha sucedido a alguien aquí en el pasado 😆 ).

lo de el dedo, es lo de menos, ella nos tantea, y luego toma sus medidas, ojala lo enseñe de nuevo, seria un buen principio

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16 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Something tells me that she won't go to him tomorrow either. It's just a feeling but I find it odd that today she's shaved and groomed like she's going to be out all day with him. About preparing for a long time to go out, Leora is a habit, almost like doing a religious rite, so you know more or less where she will go. Instead it turns out that she was at the salon. And it usually doesn't take nearly two hours to get ready just to go to work...


We'll see what she does tomorrow but I wouldn't be surprised if instead of going to him we find ourselves, AGAIN, Denis at her home 😆

If that's the case, i'll be very surprised seeing as how things have been recently, especially this week. They've been more 'full on' than all this year. So to suddenly stop again? I know it gets weirder and weirder, but even that would be baffling after this week!

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