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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Sept. 2016) #1


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3 hours ago, euromike69 said:

The real question is,,why are people still getting baited into talking to MR.Chatterbox,,,,,,,,,Guys how many times do I have to tell all of you on CC this before you come to your senses and stop trying to reason or talk to that fool.

Benfold as a friend I'll say it to you again,,,,,MR.BOX is one lonely old fella,,he knows the only way to get people to get people to start a conversation with him,,is to constantly scream "NOT REAL LIFE",,,that phrase is what he uses to have people get either annoyed or angry at him and then come  talk to him exactly like you just did.He probably laughs to himself every time he types the phrase "NOT REAL LIFE" because he knows the reactions that he will generate by typing that,,he probably hates me now for outing his secret.(I doubt that even he believes that shit either).

Yes MR.BOX really wants all these women to act like Porn Stars and masturbate/fuck 24/7,,,if they did that then it would be to his exact specifications,,and then Maybe he would stop saying that "Real Life" Bullshit,,but I seriously doubt that he ever will because he's an attention seeker,,he values our time and he begs for us to talk to him,,,,I told you guys that when he first joined his username was MR.Chatterbox and he shortened it to MR.Box,,,he is worse than my woman at home ,,,just loves to talk and talk and talk some more and never shut up.::):biggrin::biggrin:



Wow. ... Euromike69 insults again. ... :(

I did not wrote about the the way she masturbate or about how often she likes to do it. ... Only the hidding is disturbing, because it is against the idea of the project, i think. 


8 hours ago, MrBox said:

No. You got me wrong. ... I am not talking about the way she masturbate. To add even more show (like heavy movements and exterm screaming) would have made the event even more worse, in my view. .... With the event of last night, I mainly dislike the hidding. It symbolizes extremely well how much they want to show something (to the viewers) without to show it (or even have it) for real. 



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1 hour ago, euromike69 said:

Both actually,,they get free rent and a paycheck,,,and all they have to do is live there and go about their day as normal as they can,,maybe they also get bonuses depending on the amount of new subscribers they bring in,,so that would maybe explain the occasional shows here and there,,,but sometimes even the most fun and entertaining person in RLC's history "IRMA",,,,even she needs a break and some alone time outside,,,she could be shaking her ass for 2 days straight and get praises and compliments,,,but then she might decide to go to the beach or go hang out with friends overnight,,and the same people who were loving her one minute then turn on her and say why did she go out all night.

None of us can be turnt up 100% all the time,,sometimes we do need a break,,,the ladies need a break to recharge their batteries(No pun intended) to come back and entertain us.

i agree completely

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