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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Oct. 2016) #1

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I suspect it was someone who came back upstairs to ask Lola to get something from Caro's bedroom drawer Nold. Lola takes at least one set of new underwear and puts it the plastic bag and into her red shoulder bag but she is not looking overly happy about whatever it is she about to do with Caro today. I'm saying nothing as to what I suspect but it might explain why she has been saving herself for the past three days and why they had an early and sober night last night. It looks like she left the apartment to meet someone waiting outside in probably the transport to leave at 11.00 hrs. Everything timed for on the hour yet again! I fear the worst so let's see what condition they come home in tonight.

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I hope I'm wrong but looking back over the last 12 hours suggests to me that Lola has been apprehensive about something. Last night she was quiet and went through the motions. When she went to bed she had a serious looking chat with Rebecca, maybe telling her why she is concerned about today. She was tossing and turning through the night and got up at around 05.15 and went to the toilet then popped a pill (headache ??) before going back to bed. Se was up early and got dressed then went back to bed again then after just 5 or 10 minutes got dressed again and put underwear changes into her shoulder bag. She has not smiled once this morning nor done any of her little skips when she is happy. The person at the door this morning was female judging by her voice. She left looking solemn as if she doesn't want to keep whatever the appointment is or entails. My problem with this is if she doesn't want to go to whatever this is about then why go? Is someone forcing her to keep the appointment? We will never know unless some interpretations of the recent conversations reveal her hidden secrets.

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Seems coke night has fucked the whole of RLC judging from the behaviour of other residents I have witnessed over the last 30 hours or so. I hope many of you will stop being naive about how all this works now ... and you see how important bonuses are.

My Belle now past 40 hours without removing those unattractive panties except to pee, and even then not actually remove but that's the only time she's shown her pussy, and then not to us. 

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