SPYING 1 Posted February 14, 2022 Author Posted February 14, 2022 40 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: In the tv interview Black Capitol Police Officer Lt. Michael Byrd admitted that he did not know whether or not Ashli Babbitt was armed when he shot her. Let some White cop shoot and kill a Black woman and then say that he did not know whether or not she was armed and see how many minutes it takes for him to be charged with murder or manslaughter. There's no equality for Republicans in this biden's liberal socialist communists party 🙄
StarLight28 Posted February 14, 2022 Posted February 14, 2022 3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: The West is too civilized to ever defeat radical Islamic terrorists because the only way to defeat them is to kill everyone of them. Civilized Western culture will not allow that, so the radical Islamic threat will never end. Gleich und gleich gesellt sich. Auch die Taliban und IS sagen: "nur ein toter Amerikaner ist ein guter Amerikaner". Nach dem gleichen Motto wie Einwanderer nach Amerika systematisch Indianer und deren Lebensgrundlage systematisch vernichtet haben. Wie viele Millionen Indianer wurden von kriminellen Weißen mit überlegenen Waffen willkürlich ermordet ?? Eine Schande der Weltgeschichte - 80 Jahre vor Menschenverfolgung in Europa.
Ridgerunner Posted February 14, 2022 Posted February 14, 2022 24 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: This data is pure speculation by US media. There is no reliable data on the Castro fortune. And we know when US officials open their mouths, it's malicious propaganda and lies. Look at the US lies that led to the attack on Iraq in violation of international law in 2003, with all the consequences such as IS, the Syrian war and millions of refugees for which the lousy USA then assumes zero responsibility and does not take in the Middle East refugees. You really are brainwashed. I guess that's all part of loving communist dictators.
Ridgerunner Posted February 14, 2022 Posted February 14, 2022 11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Like and like joins. The Taliban and IS also say: "Only a dead American is a good American". According to the same motto as immigrants to America systematically destroyed Indians and their livelihoods . How many millions of Native Americans have been indiscriminately murdered by criminal whites with superior weapons?? A shame in world history - 80 years before the persecution of people in Europe. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. It is the height of hypocrisy for you to complain about American atrocities against Native Americans when your country is guilty of the greatest crimes ever committed against humanity during the reign of the Nazis.
SPYING 1 Posted February 14, 2022 Author Posted February 14, 2022 Look at what Walmart has to do so demon 😈 crats don't steal their steaks Walmart shopper records video purportedly showing steak locked up in viral TikTok post WWW.FOXBUSINESS.COM One Walmart in Florida is reportedly locking up their steak in security wire, according to...
Ridgerunner Posted February 14, 2022 Posted February 14, 2022 Apparently Barack Obama was correct about Joe Biden's ability to fuck things up. "Sleepy Joe" went from being the most popular presidential candidate in American history (80 million votes) to being the most unpopular president in American history in a little more than one year.
StarLight28 Posted February 14, 2022 Posted February 14, 2022 39 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. It is the height of hypocrisy for you to complain about American atrocities against Native Americans when your country is guilty of the greatest crimes ever committed against humanity during the reign of the Nazis. Gut das Du das ansprichst. Zur Zeit der Nazis wurden in Europa (inclusive Frankreich, Belgien, Polen ....) 6 Millionen Menschen ermordet. Auf dem Gebiet der heutigen USA lebten 1492 18 Millionen Ur-Einwohner (Indianer). Im Jahr 1890 waren es noch 250.000. Ich denke Du kannst rechnen ? Der Völkermord in den USA war zum Teil Kopie für die Nazis - 80 Jahre später, die USA sind meist kein gutes Vorbild.
StarLight28 Posted February 15, 2022 Posted February 15, 2022 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said: You really are brainwashed. I guess that's all part of loving communist dictators. Unsinn - und steckst im Arsch von US-Republikaner-Nazi von Trump - der Verbrecher der versuchte die US-Demokratie zu vernichten, nur weil er ein schlechter Verlierer der demokratischen Wahl ist. Der hohe Baum wartet noch auf diese Ratte.
Ridgerunner Posted February 15, 2022 Posted February 15, 2022 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Nonsense - and stuck in the ass of Trump's US Republican-Nazi - the criminal who tried to crush US democracy just because he's a bad loser in the Democratic election. The tall tree is still waiting for this rat. Again, you know nothing about what is really going on in America. It was Hillary Clinton and the corrupt Washington, D.C. establishment that tried to destroy a legally elected president. 1
Ridgerunner Posted February 15, 2022 Posted February 15, 2022 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Gut das Du das ansprichst. Zur Zeit der Nazis wurden in Europa (inclusive Frankreich, Belgien, Polen ....) 6 Millionen Menschen ermordet. Auf dem Gebiet der heutigen USA lebten 1492 18 Millionen Ur-Einwohner (Indianer). Im Jahr 1890 waren es noch 250.000. Ich denke Du kannst rechnen ? Der Völkermord in den USA war zum Teil Kopie für die Nazis - 80 Jahre später, die USA sind meist kein gutes Vorbild. And how many citizens of the world did your communist buddies in China kill by purposely unleashing Covid-19 upon the world? 1
StarLight28 Posted February 15, 2022 Posted February 15, 2022 @RidgerunnerEs ist wirklich tragisch wieviel braunen Müll ohne Wahrheit und ohne Zusammenhang Dein krankes Hirn produziert und hier das Forum verpestet. Gehe besser schlafen - für heute reicht es.
Ridgerunner Posted February 15, 2022 Posted February 15, 2022 10 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: @RidgerunnerIt is really tragic how much brown garbage without truth and without context your sick brain produces and pollutes the forum here. Go to sleep better - that's enough for today. Sounds like you have been looking in a mirror.
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