Ridgerunner Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 1 minute ago, StarLight28 said: And you're off topic again. You obviously didn't understand the content of my post. It's not about whether the Democrats or Republicans come to power "through undemocratic in-elections". The whole old "undemocratic voting system" in the USA is totally unfair and stinks to high heaven. The USA needs a far-reaching reform of the electoral system in order to finally become a serious modern democracy - so far the USA is just an incompetent banana republic. If we did not have a federalist representative form of government politics in the U.S. would be totally dominated by the large cities and rural areas would have no representation. The checks and balances system of government as set up by our founders was an act of brilliance. AND WHAT EXACTLY IS UNDEMOCRATIC ABOUT OUR VOTING SYSTEM?
StarLight28 Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said: I am home. Maybe you need to get out of the "U.S. General Domestic Politics" thread since what happens in the U.S. is none of your business. Ich bin hier absolut richtig. Ich betätige mich hier als "Aufklärer". Ihr US-Träumer denkt doch tatsächlich die USA wäre ein freies und demokratisches Land. Falsch, Ihr seid verdammte überhebliche dumme Esel. In Europa gibt es viele Staaten mit Demokratien, alle irgendwie unterschiedlich, doch so primitive Wahlgesetze und Staatsaufbau gibt es nirgends. Lernt endlich von anderen Staaten. Noch etwas interessantes. Die USA haben 1948 maßgeblich am Aufbau der Demokratie in Deutschland und den Wahlverfahren mitgewirkt. Die US-Politiker haben ausdrücklich das System der USA NICHT nach Deutschland übertragen, da die Leute wussten das das US-System alter Mist ist. Verstanden ??
Ridgerunner Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 19 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: You know nothing about Germany and just open your dirty mouth. I would be ashamed to be a citizen of anarchy USA. The US boasts the oldest "democracy" in the world. Unfortunately, the USA stopped 200 years ago and did not develop this old democracy further. The non-election crap with majority voting and electors is "unique rubbish" and completely undemocratic - that's why the crappy policy of the USA for over 100 years, which only carries violence all over the world. US arms lobbyists and US President and many other figures are keen on waging war in Europe and are posting new dates every day when Putin will invade Ukraine. Many tons of old US weapons scrap have now been flown to Ukraine, as the US arms warehouses are overflowing and new weapons are to be produced. And the USA wants to kill Nord Stream 2 as a sanction so that Europe should become dependent on the dirty and expensive US fracking gas. Every intelligent person here in Europe and Germany sees through that. Ami go home! I wasn't talking about Germany, I was talking about you. How much housing do you personally supply for people. I have a feeling Spying1 supplies much more than you do.
SPYING 1 Posted February 18, 2022 Author Posted February 18, 2022 3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Ich bin hier absolut richtig. Ich betätige mich hier als "Aufklärer". Ihr US-Träumer denkt doch tatsächlich die USA wäre ein freies und demokratisches Land. Falsch, Ihr seid verdammte überhebliche dumme Esel. In Europa gibt es viele Staaten mit Demokratien, alle irgendwie unterschiedlich, doch so primitive Wahlgesetze und Staatsaufbau gibt es nirgends. Lernt endlich von anderen Staaten. Noch etwas interessantes. Die USA haben 1948 maßgeblich am Aufbau der Demokratie in Deutschland und den Wahlverfahren mitgewirkt. Die US-Politiker haben ausdrücklich das System der USA NICHT nach Deutschland übertragen, da die Leute wussten das das US-System alter Mist ist. Verstanden ?? Why do you want to convert America 🇺🇸 into a communists country 🤔
Ridgerunner Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: I am absolutely correct here. I work here as a "reconnaissance". You US dreamers actually think the USA is a free and democratic country. Wrong, you are damn haughty dumb asses. In Europe there are many states with democracies, all somehow different, but nowhere else do you have such primitive electoral laws and state structures. Finally learn from other states. Another interesting thing. In 1948, the USA played a key role in establishing democracy in Germany and the election process. The US politicians explicitly did NOT transfer the US system to Germany because the people knew that the US system was old crap. Roger that ?? The last thing the U.S. needs to do is become more like Europe. That's a path to oblivion.
StarLight28 Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: If we did not have a federalist representative form of government politics in the U.S. would be totally dominated by the large cities and rural areas would have no representation. The checks and balances system of government as set up by our founders was an act of brilliance. AND WHAT EXACTLY IS UNDEMOCRATIC ABOUT OUR VOTING SYSTEM? Was undemokratisch ist, sagte ich bereits. Es gibt kein Verhältniswahlrecht und "indirekte Wahl" über Wahlmänner ist auch undemokratisch. Hier wäre es auch möglich das Präsident oder Kanzler am Parlament vorbei per Dekret sein eigenes Süppchen kocht, wie dies dieser Trottel von Trump permanent tat - auch das ist undemokratisch. Im Gegensatz zu Frankreich ist Deutschland ebenso ein föderalistischer Staat mit 16 Bundesländern mit Aufteilung von Befugnissen und intelligent zugeschnittenen Wahlkreisen, so daß Städte und flaches Land bei Wahlen in etwa chancengleich sind. Gut, im Detail bin ich auch hier nicht mit allem voll zufrieden, einiges könnte man noch verbessern, keine Frage, doch gegenüber dem uralten US-System sind wir viel moderner und den alten US-Zöpfen weit überlegen.
StarLight28 Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 12 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said: Why do you want to convert America 🇺🇸 into a communists country 🤔 Halte Dich hier raus. Du hast bereits oft bewiesen das Du keine Ahnung hast was sozial und Kommunismus überhaupt ist. Du kennst den Inhalt der Wörter nicht und benutzt die nur als Diffamierung und dumme Hetze.
StarLight28 Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 19 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Ich sprach nicht von Deutschland, ich sprach von Ihnen. Wie viel Wohnraum stellen Sie persönlich den Menschen zur Verfügung? Ich habe das Gefühl, Spying1 liefert viel mehr als Sie. Was soll die Frage ? Ich habe kein Wohnungsbau-Unternehmen das Wohnungen zur Vermietung anbietet, ich bin Privatmann. Wieviel Wohnraum bietest DU an ??
Ridgerunner Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 6 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: I have already said what is undemocratic. There is no proportional representation and "indirect voting" via electors is also undemocratic. Here it would also be possible for the president or chancellor to cook his own soup by decree, bypassing parliament, as this idiot from Trump did all the time - that too is undemocratic. Unlike France, Germany is also a federal state with 16 states, with division of powers and intelligently tailored constituencies so that cities and countryside have roughly equal voting opportunities. Well, in detail I'm not completely satisfied with everything here either, some things could still be improved, no question, but compared to the ancient US system we are much more modern and far superior to the old US braids. The votes of Electors in presidential elections is basically a formality. The electors vote as the majority of the voters in their state voted. No proportional representation in U.S.elections?
StarLight28 Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 21 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Das Letzte, was die USA tun müssen, ist, Europa ähnlicher zu werden. Das ist ein Weg ins Vergessen. Die USA schläft politisch und in der Gesetzgebung seit 200 Jahren selig und ist zu Reformen unfähig !
Ridgerunner Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: What shall this question be for ? I do not have a housing company that offers apartments for rent, I am a private individual. How much living space are you offering? None, but I'm not the one criticizing Spying1 for how he runs his business.
Ridgerunner Posted February 18, 2022 Posted February 18, 2022 Wonder if the Canadian and American media will cover today's "violent" and destructive attack by protesters against the Coastal Gaslink pipeline in British Columbia with the same enthusiasm that they covered the "peaceful" trucker protest? I highly doubt it.
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