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B5 General Topic 2022 #4 (February) - Kylie & Rus and Tata


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5 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

Looking close at Tata's tits on cam 6 looks like she did a boob job.

I didn’t observe and I was about to post that these now might be the best tits of all tenants ..Hmm , time to recheck 😁

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I honestly don't believe Olivia and Ulyana feel comfortable returning back to the "unsafe house", after probably hearing how easy it was for this "Night Stalker" to walk inside of it, but time will tell, if they can make it a more secure home, to prevent this from ever happening again

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23 minutes ago, esanders9863 said:

I honestly don't believe Olivia and Ulyana feel comfortable returning back to the "unsafe house", after probably hearing how easy it was for this "Night Stalker" to walk inside of it, but time will tell, if they can make it a more secure home, to prevent this from ever happening again

I think this isn't the problem. They don't like the Villa and you can see the sings of it since they moved to the big bedroom.

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6 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

Creo que este no es el problema. No les gusta la Villa y se pueden ver las señales desde que se mudaron al dormitorio grande.

It has already been said several times that they are to blame, if they had not made so much noise in B1 they would still be there...🤷‍♂️

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3 minutes ago, omedo said:

It has already been said several times that they are to blame, if they had not made so much noise in B1 they would still be there...🤷‍♂️

I know is their fault, they know is their fault, but still they don't like to be apart. 

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5 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

Sé que es su culpa, ellos saben que es su culpa, pero aún así no les gusta estar separados. 

There are so many things I don't like and I have to put up with...these girls live in a luxury villa, they only spend money on food and complain because they are far from the city, as I said about Radi who doesn't like the villa either, they have the solution, leave RLC...

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1 minute ago, omedo said:

There are so many things I don't like and I have to put up with...these girls live in a luxury villa, they only spend money on food and complain because they are far from the city, as I said about Radi who doesn't like the villa either, they have the solution, leave RLC...

They can ask as much as they and I don't see them forcing RLC to do their wishes. They ask so when a opportunity comes up RLC can put them there, like the Twins and Karol wen B1 got vacant and Nana when they moved Holly and Tweety to the Villa. 

The only thing I know are rumors that they were asking RLC to rent a new house for them, maybe because they know their value to RLC that can't fill three rooms. Now imagine if four tenants leave at once.

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18 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

Pueden pedir tanto como quieran y no los veo obligando a RLC a cumplir sus deseos. Piden que cuando surja una oportunidad, RLC pueda ponerlos allí, como los Mellizos y Karol cuando B1 quedó vacante y Nana cuando trasladaron a Holly y Piolín a la Villa. 

Lo único que sé son rumores de que le estaban pidiendo a RLC que alquilara una casa nueva para ellos, tal vez porque conocen su valor para RLC que no puede llenar tres habitaciones. Ahora imagina si cuatro inquilinos se van a la vez.

The truth is that RLC has told them to look for the flat themselves and that's what they were doing...this also happened with Carla and Yanai when they were kicked out for the same reason, the noise, C&Y were also going to look for a flat to start again but I don't know the reason why they didn't come back....

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As a conclusion of the last 48 hours , it seems that K&R and now Tata , will be another great friendship for O&U and also Fiora as we saw and for sure a nice escape for them when they can’t stay anymore in the villa and F&H aren’t available to stay over . For sure , you can tell that it is a more pleasant time for them than the isolation they have at the villa .


As far as the things that have happened since they were brought back in Barcelona and in B1 , for sure they were noisy but I think they were the unlucky ones paying the price for an ongoing situation for many years and the previous also residents .They have been crazier , wilder , much noisier incidents , it just happened to be them occupying B1 and they paid the price . Nevertheless , RLC knows all this , they bring them back and it is like punishing all 4 of them  ( O/U/H/F ) when it seems that originally they had invested an indefinite stay in Barcelona as they weren’t advertised as GOV but permanent tenants . And in a way , their frustration ( O&U ) might come also from the fact that they gave them the master bedroom only to have them moving to the worst room they could possibly have in the villa just to give it to Holly ( totally deserved ) and Tweety , a newcomer , who proved a wrong decision . And H&F , they gave them the worst apartment and they christened it a GOV apartment so as not to have it empty . They could at least reestablish H&F in B2 but not even this , they have them being tortured in that apartment and two of the girls that totally respect the money they get and have no issues showing their personal lives , make shows and  solo acts need to find ways to coexist in a dysfunctional place .


Seeing all these empty beds , it is even a question what’s the purpose for RLC keep on having these apartments for the girls , when they want for sure to make parties , have fun , enjoy , be active .Summer is coming , they can’t keep on living the “ nun “ life of B1 and current B2 , what’s the purpose if they can’t enjoy because if they make a bit more noise the police comes ? This will result for the girls to go all the time out and have fun , be hardly ever in their apartments and at the beach or clubs / bars and then of course the subscribers  will complain for empty apartments .It is all mathematically towards this way .

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