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Leora - Home Activities (2022) #24

pulo filipe

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52 minutes ago, Newark52 said:

Possibly something to do with all the adverse comments being made about her her lifestyle and putting on weight (in the right places) also the relentless repetitive comments from Corfu’s Mr 100% or should that be hypocrite 

I don't think this is the case. 

And even if that were the case, she's not trying to avoid criticism.

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I came down stairs at 4.30 because the Mrs snores. I checked my phone and comments said she had gone out and took food at 12.30 (I thought bloody hell that is dangerous) I than looked at her bed room and she was in bed looking at her phone ! she has been out for 2 or 3 hours WTF is that all about.

Pulo don't you ever sleep you will end up like Leora 😆

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She spoke to Paul for about 19 hours, then left after a quick shower and hair wash, taking the food that she had ordered earlier, still all wrapped in the plastic bag. So this was obviously not a late decision, that's why she got the food.

She returned at 02.45, with a Playstation. She unboxed it and placed it next to the TV.

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29 minutes ago, blue is the colour said:

Well done SG

It is like cloak and dagger stuff very very strange.

X-box that means Zena and Leroa will have something else to play with.

That is going to be fun watching the connection being set up.

But as I remember I have never seen Leora play a console. I remember Paul but not her. Leora opening up to the world of video games seems like a novelty to me. 

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2 hours ago, Newark52 said:

Peut-être quelque chose à voir avec tous les commentaires négatifs faits sur elle, son style de vie et sa prise de poids (aux bons endroits), ainsi que les commentaires répétitifs incessants de Mr 100% de Corfou ou cela devrait-il être hypocrite 

Je vais probablement me faire chier pour avoir dit ça. Il y a quelques années, je pense qu'elle aurait été prête à relever le défi de Rate The Bate (je ne pense pas que cela ait été réfléchi avant qu'il ne soit lancé) mais maintenant elle est plus âgée et ses attitudes ont changé, personnellement je ne pense pas pour le mieux parce qu'elle oublie d'où vient son style de vie, également à partir de ce sujet, elle pense probablement qu'elle est comparée à un phoque performant.

Manger des plats tout préparé n'est pas bon pour la ligne, c'est pourquoi elle a grossi, comme beaucoup de femmes des Etat Unis

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