StarLight28 Posted February 28, 2022 Posted February 28, 2022 20 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: You just perfectly described yourself. Mein Gott Ridge - Du bist ein Dummkopf und verteidigst immer Dein ASS von "Spion" - Dein primitiver Sohn ?? Die USA ist ein grosses Land - und benötigt keine "Trump-Idioten", welche die Geschichte verschlafen haben. SCHLAFE WEITER !!!! - mit Deinen Idioten. Die Realität hat "Republikaner-Idioten" schon lange überholt. Wenn die USA "wieder great" werden will dann mit Sicherheit ohne Trump-Idioten von gestern - wie Du und Deine Derivate Löst Eure eigene kriminelle Geschichte - und gut ist.
StarLight28 Posted February 28, 2022 Posted February 28, 2022 1 minute ago, SPYING 1 said: Nazi 3rd Reich goose stepper like StarLight28 will always be a burden on their parents Du bist ein minderwertiges Arschloch - und nicht mehr. Ich hasse Dich nicht, dazu bist DU einfach zu primitiv. Kein Mensch braucht Dich hier - verpiss Dich Du Narr.
Ridgerunner Posted February 28, 2022 Author Posted February 28, 2022 34 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: My God Ridge - you are a fool and always defending your ACE from "spy" - your primitive son ?? The US is a big country - and doesn't need "Trump idiots" who have slept through history. KEEP SLEEPING !!!! - with your idiots. Reality has long overtaken "Republican idiots". If the USA wants to be "great again" then it will definitely be without the Trump idiots of yesterday - like you and your derivatives Solve your own criminal history - and it's good. It is you and Germany that has slept through history and as a result you have made your country dependent upon energy to fuel your economy from the Russian dictator Putin. Good luck in your future dealings with Putin, you'll need it.
StarLight28 Posted February 28, 2022 Posted February 28, 2022 27 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Sie und Deutschland haben die Geschichte verschlafen und dadurch Ihr Land von der Energie des russischen Diktators Putin abhängig gemacht, um Ihre Wirtschaft anzutreiben. Viel Glück bei Ihren zukünftigen Geschäften mit Putin, Sie werden es brauchen. Dummes Gerede. ICH habe den KGB-Idioten von Putin schon immer gehasst. Putin hat sich durch den Überfall auf die Ukraine nun selbst in den Arsch getreten. Putin ist ein Idiot, er wird sterben. Doch das widerliche Arschloch von George W. Bush lebt noch immer. Wie dumm ist das amerikanische Volk, diese widerliche Ratte nicht an den Internationalen Gerichtshof von Den Haag frei zu geben. So lange die Drecksau von Bush immer noch frei herum läuft ist (Idiot) Putin immer noch Ehrenmann. Wie dumm ist die Welt ????
Ridgerunner Posted February 28, 2022 Author Posted February 28, 2022 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: stupid talk. I've always hated Putin's KGB idiot. Putin kicked himself in the ass by invading Ukraine. Putin is an idiot, he will die. But George W. Bush's disgusting asshole is still alive. How stupid are the American people not to release this disgusting rat to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. As long as that bastard Bush is still roaming free, (idiot) Putin is still a man of honor. How stupid is the world ???? As far as I am concerned the world can do whatever they want with George W. Bush. He is part of the corrupt ruling class in America which cares nothing about middle class and poor people in the U.S.
SPYING 1 Posted February 28, 2022 Posted February 28, 2022 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said: Du bist ein minderwertiges Arschloch - und nicht mehr. Ich hasse Dich nicht, dazu bist DU einfach zu primitiv. Kein Mensch braucht Dich hier - verpiss Dich Du Narr. Quick Share LINKSHARING.SAMSUNGCLOUD.COM 1 file (291 KB) StarLight28 posted a video 📹 of himself
StarLight28 Posted February 28, 2022 Posted February 28, 2022 5 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Soweit es mich betrifft, kann die Welt mit George W. Bush machen, was sie will. Er ist Teil der korrupten herrschenden Klasse in Amerika, die sich nicht um die Mittelklasse und die armen Menschen in den USA kümmert Oh, das sind ja völlig neue Töne von DIR. Hast Du endlich etwas dazu gelernt ? Das wäre Freude für mich - und Hoffnung!
Ridgerunner Posted February 28, 2022 Author Posted February 28, 2022 23 minutes ago, StarLight28 said: Oh, those are completely new sounds from YOU. Did you finally learn something? That would be joy for me - and hope! Not new for me. That's how I've felt about George Bush and the corrupt ruling class in the U.S. for a long time.
Ridgerunner Posted February 28, 2022 Author Posted February 28, 2022 The Russian military is having problems in Ukraine because they are use to fighting unarmed women and children when they invade nations. They are not use to fighting people who actually fight back.
Ridgerunner Posted February 28, 2022 Author Posted February 28, 2022 I'm afraid that the Russian army will now become more ruthless in their war effort in Ukraine with little regard for the welfare of civilians. If so, Putin and his generals need to be put on trial as war criminals.
StarLight28 Posted February 28, 2022 Posted February 28, 2022 24 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said: Not new for me. That's how I've felt about George Bush and the corrupt ruling class in the U.S. for a long time. Bush und Trump sind reiche Kapitalisten (wenn auch von Pleite bedroht) und Republikaner. Beide an einem Baum aufgehängt - wäre mein Wunsch - und gerecht. Ein Schritt zur Ehrlichkeit der USA !!!
Ridgerunner Posted February 28, 2022 Author Posted February 28, 2022 For seven months previous to the invasion Russia was massing their military on the border of Ukraine. All the brilliant leaders in the West did almost nothing. Now that the Russian military controls the airspace, roads, and railways into Ukraine the leaders of the West are panicked and saying we need to rush weapons and humanitarian supplies to the Ukrainians. Putin was not going to attack while the Olympics were taking place in China because he did not want to upstage his ally Xi. That means the West could have used the period of the Olympics to supply Ukraine with everything they needed to fight the Russians. That action may have even caused Putin to abandon his plan to invade.
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