SPYING 1 Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 $10 toothpaste? U.S. household goods makers face blowback on price hikes FINANCE.YAHOO.COM Colgate-Palmolive Co CEO Noel Wallace said last week at an industry conference that the...
Ridgerunner Posted March 1, 2022 Author Posted March 1, 2022 There are reports that Russian soldiers are rupturing the fuel tanks of their own vehicles in the Russian convoy because they do not want to move towards Kyiv. I hope those reports are true. 3
SPYING 1 Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 Watch a Chimpanzee Mother Apply an Insect to Her Son’s Wound SCITECHDAILY.COM For the first time, researchers observed chimpanzees in Gabon, West Africa applying insects to... Here's proof that chimps are smarter than StarLight28
StarLight28 Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 2 hours ago, SPYING 1 said: Tell biden to ask the taliban for all the planes, drones, military vehicles & the latest weapons, money 💰 that he gave to the taliban to return it. DU bist ein unreifes, naives Kind und hast keine Ahnung von Politik und Weltpolitik. Du störst hier eine sinnvolle Diskussion. Setze Deine "Trump-Mütze" auf und meditiere in der Wüste bis der letzte Krümel Verstand eingetrocknet ist - und tschüß !!! Keiner weint um Dich. 1
StarLight28 Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Wrong!!!!!! When Putin invaded Crimea Obama sent the Ukrainians blankets and C-rations. When Trump came into office he sent Ukraine javelin anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft stinger missiles. Trump sanctioned the companies building Nordstram II, shortly after coming into office Biden removed those sanctions. When Trump left office the U.S. was energy independent and the price of a barrel of oil was around $47. Now the price of oil is around $100/barrel. In one year Biden has ended U.S. energy independence and now we import 500,000 barrels of oil/day from Russia. Putin uses the revenue from the sale of oil and gas to fund his military. Every time the price of oil increases Putin has more money for his military. Also, have you forgotten Hillary Clinton as Obama's Secretary of State was the one who presented the Russian ambassador the reset button which indicated more American cooperation with Russia. It was Obama, not Trump, who in what Obama thought was a private conversation told Putin's representative that he would have more flexibility to cooperate with Putin after he got past the 2012 election. So the accusation that Trump was Putin's puppet and that Obama and Biden were tougher on Putin is ludicrous. Der Versuch Trump zu verteidigen ist gut gemeint um Trump als HELD zu deklarieren. In Summa ist das Unsinn. Trump war schwache Putin-Marionette - und hat die USA von Putin abhängig gemacht. Biden hat diese Allianz von 2 Dummen beendet und die USA wieder in die westliche Gemeinschaft zurück geführt. 1
StarLight28 Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: The number of attacks is not large enough. The West needs to supply hundreds of armed drones to Ukraine to annihilate the convoy. Drohnen auf einzelne Panzer oder Raketenwerfer ist sinnlos - Drohnen auf Ratte Putin direkt und den Führer der Separatisten Denis Puschilin - das ist viel wirkungsvoller. Wer gibt die Daten wo die Schweine gerade sind ??? Und die elende Drecksau von Lukaschenko nicht vergessen !!! 1
StarLight28 Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Warum kaufen wir immer noch Öl aus Russland? Weil Amerikaner seit Jahrzehnten traditionell Energie maßlos verschwenden und möglichst zum Nulltarif konsumieren wollen - und die umweltschädliche Fracking-Energie ist viel teurer als natürliches Öl und Gas aus Russland. In Deutschland kostet 1 Liter Benzin im Moment € 1,85 - und in den USA ???? 1
StarLight28 Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: Biden did not unite Europe against Putin. Europe's fear of Putin united Europe against Putin. Unsinn - Nicht Angst vor Putin, sondern die Tatsache das er europäische Hochrangige Politiker hat das Schwein öffentlich belogen und betrogen - und das lassen sich redliche Menschen nicht gefallen. 1
StarLight28 Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said: There are reports that Russian soldiers are rupturing the fuel tanks of their own vehicles in the Russian convoy because they do not want to move towards Kyiv. I hope those reports are true. Ich auch !!!
StarLight28 Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said: Beobachten Sie, wie eine Schimpansenmutter ein Insekt auf die Wunde ihres Sohnes aufträgt SCITECHDAILY.COM Zum ersten Mal beobachteten Forscher Schimpansen in Gabun, Westafrika, die Insekten anwendeten, um... Hier ist der Beweis, dass Schimpansen schlauer sind als StarLight28 Das ist doch Spying mit seinem Homosexuellen Freund - gleich fummeln sie am Arsch rum. Arme primitive Schweine. LOL
SPYING 1 Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 Oil Inches Closer To $110 As API Reports Surprise Inventory Draw | OilPrice.com OILPRICE.COM Oil prices soared even higher on Tuesday afternoon after the American Petroleum Institute...
happyone Posted March 1, 2022 Posted March 1, 2022 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said: Because For decades, Americans have traditionally wasted energy excessively and wanted to consume it for free if possible - and the environmentally harmful fracking energy is much more expensive than natural oil and gas from Russia. In Germany, 1 liter of gasoline costs € 1.85 at the moment - and in the USA ???? So why does the US still buy Russian oil??? I answered that question with the below post. There are 3 articles that discuss this question On 2/27/2022 at 1:21 PM, happyone said: U.S. nearly tripled imports of Russian oil in 2021 GLOBALENERGYPRIZE.ORG Russia producers nearly tripled shipments of oil to the United States in 2021 – in 2020, the United States imported from Russia on average 76,000 barrels per day (bpd), while in 2021, that figure rose to... In the above article, it is necessary to notice the type of oil that our refineries need to use. That oil has a higher content of sulfur than US oil and thus we import from various countries and export the refined products to become a neutral importer/exporter. Russia and Canada and Venezuela are among the countries that have the type of oil our refineries need. The article below describes the import/export of petroleum products. Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) WWW.EIA.GOV U.S. crude oil imports sources including OPEC and Persian Gulf, and top five source countries of U.S. oil imports and destinations of U.S. crude oil exports. And the article below sheds some light why imports from Russia have increased. However, if we could increase our oil imports from Canada to replace that needed from Russia--that is the answer. PolitiFact - U.S. is importing large amount of Russian oil, but Facebook post misstates Keystone XL role WWW.POLITIFACT.COM U.S. is importing large amount of Russian oil, but Facebook post misstates Keystone XL role
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