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I agree I got a bit carried away with my rant! I wasn't comparing them other than to point out that these two good looking and healthy young people are wasting their life every day they stay in what amounts to a prison of their bedroom.

Young people should be out in the world developing their careers, working hard for what they get, expanding their minds. The fact that they have shit sex under covers is not what makes me angry. It is having to witness young people wasting their lives. My point about ISIS is that the young people in the middle east are at least doing something and doing it because they (mistakenly) think they are making the world better. Ruslan and Katya do nothing (good or bad) for the world or importantly for themselves.

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Guest Ange_Gardien

Why is he sleeping in their room instead of the living room? Why don't they just fuck in the living room instead of trying to be discreet in the bed?

Because Ruslan looking for a dick to him

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Just witnessed another Muslim Fuck - covered from head to toe in a blanket, hidden, totally devoid of excitement. To be fair Katya makes nice noises and seems to like what she gets.

She managed to have 'sex', if you can call it that, once again without actually looking at Ruslan, without actually touching any part of his body apart from holding his hand,

The 'Cum Towel' they keep in the drawer made its latest appearance before being slipped back out of sight so it can fester and smell worse than Ruslan!

Katya must be the most subservient modern young woman. She never demands anything of Ruslan. She is simply there to wait to be spoken to, wait for him to 'service' her and rid himself of his frustration. She never demands anything other than she gets during sex. She never takes the lead. Never touches herself or him.

The most beautiful girl yet the worst lover and the most boring woman in RLC. God she is frustrating. Thank goodness for Alina and Diana. Without them RLC would really and truly be dead, buried and gone!

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