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Is Alma with Isabel??

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Estaban buscando por internet un restaurante para ir a cenar.

Interesante, cuentame mas... ; )

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Pues poco más...

Estuvieron buscando un mexicano para ir a cenar y luego seguramente se irán a tomarse unas copas y ponerse hasta el culo de porros. Lo que suelen hacer habitualmente. Ayer Alma llegó a casa con un colocón de envergadura... Empezó a hablar sola con la gata, tiró la botella de agua 2 o 3 veces al suelo...Y la anterior noche se quedó dormida en el sofá, no llegó ni al dormitorio ;D

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Alma got back to her place about 2:00AM , sat on the sofa for a few minutes checking her messages, then

went into the bedroom and went to bed.  This morning she got up before Stefan, showered and drank some sort of banana smoothie and then woke up Stefan , who immediately went to his computer.  Alma then sat

beside him checking her computer and she discovered that Stefan had changed something on HER PC.  She

turned to Stefan and told him to stop touching her PC in a very angry voice.  She then got up, collected a

bunch of clothing and other articles in her big carry-all bag and left , (for places unknown ?? )    >:(

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Alma got back to her place about 2:00AM , sat on the sofa for a few minutes checking her messages, then

went into the bedroom and went to bed.  This morning she got up before Stefan, showered and drank some sort of banana smoothie and then woke up Stefan , who immediately went to his computer.  Alma then sat

beside him checking her computer and she discovered that Stefan had changed something on HER PC.  She

turned to Stefan and told him to stop touching her PC in a very angry voice.  She then got up, collected a

bunch of clothing and other articles in her big carry-all bag and left , (for places unknown ?? )    >:(

En la discusión que tuvieron, Stefan la llamó "niñata" y "golfa". A lo que respondió Alma: "Lo vas a ver bien claro... A ver si espabilas. Ve pensando en lo que vas hacer" (En tono amenazante). El friki no se esperaba lo que a acabado haciendo, que es llamar a los de RLC para que cortaran la emisión porque se va a marchar hoy mismo del apartamento.

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4am by the clock on their webcam and I see that Alma is over there again. They're both in the bathroom together with the door closed.. Wish I had paid for this now!

Se han cerrado en el baño para hacerse unos porros y se han vuelto a ir. Ambas con un colocón impresionante, dicho sea de paso...

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Conversación de Alma e Isabel en la cocina:

Alma: Ayer estuve con el chaval este que te dije...

Isabel: ¿Ah, si?. ¿Y que tal?. ¿Hubo...?

Alma: ¡Pues genial!. Tengo el coño escocido... jajaja

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