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Diana & Efim Pictures

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Tarzan qui fait la vaisselle ! Preparera-t-il le déjeuner ? Réponse dans un instant. Oui, quel bonheur ! Il sait faire cuire  un oeuf sur le plat. Les tartines au fromage aussi. Un bel effort ce matin... Continue mon gars, t'es le meilleur ! Par contre, si tu pouvais baisser les coudes quand tu manges...

Tarzan washes the dishes! Will he prepare lunch? Answer in a moment...  Yes ! What happiness he knows to cook an egg! Bread with melted cheese too. A good effort this morning ... Go on guy, you are the best !  By cons, if you could lower your elbows when you eat ...

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Guest noteim

dirtybin.com is really a shit! sorry for this post  :(

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Guest noteim

one more try, if it doen't work I'm leaving this forum forever  >:(

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Guest noteim

OK, let's see if it's possible to upload more than one picture...

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